After spending a whole transfer window trying to offload fringe players and missing out on key transfer targets due to inflated prices and a lack of squad spaces, Spurs fans must be astonished by comments in Harry Redknapp’s latest interview.

“If David wants to come to Tottenham I’d welcome him with open arms, he’s definitely still good enough to play in the Premier League”

This statement is a clear indication that there is no relationship between Harry and the board, and further highlights the lack of vision Harry has for the future of our club.

The comments also demonstrate a complete lack of faith in our current crop of players such as Lennon, Kranjcar, Rose, Ceballos, and Dos Santos.

When we’ve just cleared so much money from the wage bill, why would Daniel Levy even consider bringing Beckham to the club in anything over than a coaching role?

At 37 years old he would spend most of his time on the treatment table and based on the fact his remaining attributes are crossing and passing, he offers nothing that David Bentley can’t do.

When you consider Harry’s interest in Phil Neville, Joe Cole, as well as the signing of Brad Friedel, you start to realise that with an open cheque, book Harry could make us the ‘dad’s army’ of the Premiership.

Thankfully we have a strong chairman in Daniel Levy and I’m delighted he hasn’t backed the manager in the recent window.

As a shrewd businessman he’s probably not impressed with Harry’s transfer dealings. The club lost large amounts on Wilson Palacios and Robbie Keane, even though all of the deals Daniel Levy completed will be of great benefit to the club moving forward.

After a terrible start to our Premiership campaign, Spurs fans patience with Redknapp is being tested, and with so many managers that would jump at the chance to work with this talented squad, it’s surely only a matter of time before the board consider his position.

If a new manager joins the club next year then he will have plenty of funds to strengthen the squad and less difficulty in offloading players on high wages.

We now have a balanced squad with competition for places and there’s also the added bonus that many of the squad will have points to prove.

Many believe Harry’s key strengths are his transfer dealings and man management; he hasn’t succeeded in the transfer market, so now he’ll have to use his man management skills to prove his credentials as the next England manager.



  1. Harry can not get away from his little club mentality, he feels getting more years out of an ageing player makes him a good manager but offers little long term for the club.

    I see niko is getting some games and proving his worth (which most fans were well aware of), harry, make this type of management the way forward.

  2. I actually think levy would back the beckham move and could even be the driving force behind it.

    For commercial and financial reasons of course.

    • Too true. The author suggests Levy hasn’t backed Harry, yet we’ve signed Friedel and Parker, both older… As if Levy would let Harry go! Even England want him, lol. And Bentley’s not here, mate. And playing on the right and being able to cross a ball is where the similarity between Beckham and Bentley stops. Well, and initials… You peoples should start realising Harry can generally be trusted in the transfer market.

  3. The move for Becks is actually a good thing….we have so many young talented players at the club he would be an ideal role model and certainly one that the youger players would respect and look up to. HR has already said from his last stint with us that he is great to have around the place and a very good influence… true he would not get a lot of game time, but I’m sure he would be an enormous help in bringing our young talent through.

  4. We should sign becks,landon donovan,a couple of chinese & south east asians and restrict them to our zooropa league squad outings with becks as captain.the revenue stream from shirt sales will be immense & prompt the chinese govt to bank roll the NDP..aka chinky chonk mansions

  5. Just cant see it anyway. He said that he doesnt want to play for anyone other than utd in England. That should be that. It is when Levy says no.

  6. Beckham has to be one of the most over rated players of all time. Most of his image was just created by the media and all the sad sheep who follow it. The sort of people who watch Big Brother and X Factor. He can cross the ball and occasionally take a decent free kick. That is about it. Compared to Hoddle, he is nothing. Hoddle could do things that Beckham can only dream about. If you consider previous Tottenham wingers like Ginola and Waddle then considering Beckham is embarassing. He is a hard worker but then so are alot of other players.

    • As if the whole professional footballing world and global media were all fooled by a crap humble little Essex boy. Fergie didn’t mind playing him. He can also cover dm and cm positions, change a game from the bench, teach technique to others in the squad, is a sensible family man who’s still a dedicated trainer in very good shape and will sell shirts and raise the clubs profile further.

      • i played against all the top british players of Beckham’s era and believe me, he was top draw! not good enough for spurs now and an exspensive role model. He could do anything he wanted with his right foot but you can’t teach players to do that-it’s natural talent. Lennon will never be Beckham-so let him develope as Lennon!!

  7. Lost large amounts on Keane? It was a profit overall. Great business. Crouch: signed for 10m, he scores goal that secures 4th place, scores goals that secures group stages of CL, and scores goal that wins match vs AC Milan to get us to Quarter Final….(gets sent off)…but then sold for 10m at 30 years old – after 2 years of use! Great business. Lost 5m on Palacios, but again, that dude secured our place in the Premiership…before declining – but overall he was worth every penny. I can list worse business – Villa signing Reo Coker for 8.5 million, then released. City releasing Robinho, Jo, paying US to use Adebayor… Chelsea releasing Shevchenko, Deco, Ballack for frees. West Ham paying off Ljungberg, having Dyer on a ridiculous contract…etc…etc… These blow any Spurs loss out of the water. Anyway, I am not shocked that Rednapp said that about Becks. What do expect him to say? He’s too old? Not good enough? Not worth it? There is nothing wrong with older players, as long as you factor their age into their fee and wages. Levy does that. n Signing Phil Neville would only have happened on the cheap. Didn’t Citeh sign Viera the other year? And (5 mins a season) Hargreaves this year? Liverpool signed Bellamy? Man U signed (34 year old) Henrik Larsson on loan 4 years ago? Arsenal signed Sol Campbell a couple of seasons ago. They all have done it. The only trend that I observe the average league finish. Any manager that keeps us above our average league finish is a good manager.

  8. Better than average player but nothing special. No pace, cannot dribble. Very hyped by the media. Cannot compare to any of the great midfielders like Platini, Hoddle, Zidane etc.

  9. Beckham is a celebrity who has made a fortune and sold lots of newspapers and merchandise. How can being covered in tatoos be a good role model?

  10. Well done. You have demonstrated your lack of intellect, your lack of knowledge of football finances, your lack of developing players, your lack of knowledge of attracting worldwide interest, of attracting investment, of attracting sponsors. Your brain is stuck in the the “he is to old to start in the first team” mentality. Giggs, Scholes, yes to old, been useless for years!

  11. If the move for Beckham was worth it then other top teams would be interested wouldnt they? the man is too old and past his best yrs ago. would offer nothing to the team and would cost a packet. he even struggled to get in the AC Milan team at times when there ion loan, and that league is as slow as Becks. the players had a great carear but we do not need him. Harry should be saying we have excellent midfield talent here already so we cant offer him games.
    Re transfer losses – Keane is a major loss on his last transfer, and should never have come back, HR paid well over the top, we paid over 12m for Palacios and he couldnt pass.
    HR activity in the market has been crap, where are the younsters from lower leagues? Wenger and Fergie spot them??

  12. Having just stumbled upon this article today Googling ‘age old’ usage, I couldn’t resist asking you how much of a tit you feel about it now Harry has your team flying high in England?

    If there’s any justice in the world, hopefully you’ve been sacked from this blog.


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