It’s back to the first choice line up for Sunday’s game with Liverpool and manager Harry Redknapp has enjoyed better news on the injury front after a bad start to the week which saw Michael Dawson ruled out for two months.

Harry could welcome back Aaron Lennon, William Gallas and Rafael van der Vaart for this televised game while Steven Pienaar, Ledley King and Tom Huddlestone all face late fitness tests.

Brad Friedel will surely continue in goal and it seems just as certain that Adebayor and Defoe will continue their partnership up front, but could the rest of the side remain unchanged from last weekend at Wolves?

At the back, Walker, BAE and Kaboul all look set to continue so the final place could be between King and Gallas. In midfield, Parker and Modric should resume in the centre with Bale still a near certainty on the left.

That could leave a choice between Kranjcar and Lennon for the final place but what about VDV? Fitness doubts must surely remain but will he be consigned to the bench for once or will Harry find it hard to resist reverting to 4-5-1 with the Dutchman behind Adebayor?

Here’s our side to face Liverpool, what’s yours?

football formations



  1. Most likely is the same line up we saw at Wolves which is what you have picked too.
    I think Niko will retain his place with VDV coming off the bench later on. If there are going to be any changes a couple of defensive ones might be Bassong in place of Kaboul as Seb did well in Greece, and Corluka in place of Walker as Liverpool attack is strong and Charlie is more comfortable at defending.

    Corluka King Bassong BAE
    Bale Modric Parker Niko
    Adebayor Defoe

    Spurs to win 2-0

    • gormless gomes in goal – have you watched spurs in two years

      Ric is your real name horelleo gomez??

      playing gormless in goal is a massive positive for liverpool, a game spurs would surley lose

      • Kaboul I’d great next to ledley though. Bassong.. hardly had the chance to show anything against those POKEy plums.

        He’s not ready to face Suarez.

  2. Friedel, Corluka, King, Kaboul, BAE, Kranjcar, Modric, Parker, Bale, Ade, Defoe. Charlie over Walker as Liverpool do not have a lot of pace on the wings so he can keep up and 4-4-2 as hate plaing 4-4-1-1 at home, probably no coincidence that we drew too many games at home playing it last season.

  3. Friedel
    Walker kaboul king BAE
    VdV Parker Modric Bale
    Ade JD

    Win 3-1
    Perople must not doubt VdV’s world class ability. If Harry think he’s fit he should start and play for 60min and then Kranjcar can come on for Rafa.

  4. Liverpool base a lot of their play from wide positions, with Downing, Henderson/Kuyt and with Suarez pulling out wide into the channels. Because of this, I would go for Corluka over Walker, firstly because I think he is just generally a better player, but I am also a firm believer of picking the team for the game your playing, and not just picking the best team. I feel Corluka would deal better with the wingers that Liverpool have there, and also dives in less so is less likely to be sent off. Praying King is fit, I would go for a team of:


    Corluka King Kaboul BAE

    Bale Parker Modric Kranjcar

    Defoe Adebayor.

  5. 4-3-3 Frediel. Corluka-King-Gallas-Assou. Modric-Parker-Bale. Adebayor-VDV-Defoe that’s if gallas, king and VDV pass fitness. If not 4-4-2: Frediel, Walker-Corluka-Kaboul-Assou. Krancjer-Parker-Modric-Bale, Ade-Defoe. Its hard to pick as we don’t know the fitness of Hudd, Lennon, King, Gallas and VDV. An I would not pick bassong as a centre back as he is useless!

  6. ———–Friedel

    VDV coming in off the right to a more central role with Walker overlapping

  7. Freidel

    Corluka King Kaboul BAE

    Bale Parker Modric Kranjcar

    Defoe Adebayor.

    The most solid combi for me; VdV to replace perhaps Krancjar or Modders (i still think his head’s not right).

  8. Tottenham to win 8-1, Kranjcar bags his first hatrick, Defoe and Manu score 2 each and Parker gets his inaugural spurs goal. Friedel goes off with a broken hip, Gomes comes on, fumbles a charlie adam left footed thunderbolt and it slowly makes its way to the back net.Im itk on this one Doc Brown and Marty McFly popped out the DeLorean and gave me these results.

  9. Freidel
    Corluka, Kaboul (if fit Gallas), King, BAE
    Walker, Parker, Modric, Bale
    Defoe, Adebayor

    Walker maybe a better right winger than defender –
    a right sided Bale !

  10. Walker,Kaboul,King,BAE
    Ade Defoe
    Friedel in goal, happy to never see Gomes or Corluka in spurs shirt again,both are serious liabilitys! I’d like to see Kranky out there on the right putting in simple crosses for Adey to head in,Lennon for me makes an awesome sub for last 30 mins of games

  11. Liverpool have the record for corners this year 35 and for not allowing shots on target only 11. This should tell you they work very hard last years great North West run was put down to there training regime by Jay Spearing well i no different. So expect Liverpool to defend and attack in numbers to look for free kicks Penalty’s and corners . The one area i find worrying is Friedel stays on his line when crosses and free kicks come his way the same problem we had with another great shot stopper Robbo . I would drop Friedel because against Wolves they should have scored with two headers King cant leap with his knee especially late on in games and Carroll will expose this so i would bring back Gomes who has enjoyed wins against Liverpool My Team Gomes Walker King Kaboul Ekotto Van Parker Modric Bale .Defoe ADY.

  12. —————————-Friedel————————-
    If Gallas isn’t fit go to 4-4-2 with BAE at Left Back and VDV on the right, but i feel this team would be perfect to cope with the threat out wide from Liverpool whilst having a spare man at the back to help win the ball in the air from crosses and pick up the runner from midfield. Going forward we would be strong with 2 forwards and attack minded wing backs as well as modric and VDV supporting the attack, i think this team would take something special get through and we would be free flowing attack wise, prediction- 3-1 spurs

  13. Cudicini
    Walker King Kaboul BAE
    Bale Modric Parker Kranjcar
    Defoe Adebayor

    this is purely based on liverpools weakness rather than our strengths. Bale RM would put him up against enrique rather than johnson. vs Enrique he should, by rights, get the better of him 99% of the time.


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