It’s hard not to mention the ‘T’ word this week, particularly after last night’s defeat for Manchester United leaves Spurs with the opportunity to draw level on points with the second place side if they beat Everton next Wednesday.

Many Spurs players have been asked for their comments about a possible title challenge and Jermain Defoe is one who insists that our lofty position is not bringing any added pressure to the players.

“I’m loving the pressure,” JD said. “It’s like playing tournament football for England, when everyone is pinning their hopes on you to make the breakthrough.

“City and United know we are a threat, and with every game that we keep on winning we can put pressure on them to keep winning.

“We don’t feel negative pressure. We are enjoying it. But at the same time we know that it may not come again in the way that it has.

“This is such a good opportunity for us. We want to take it with both hands.”

Younes Kaboul was quick to add that the club are now a ‘massive’ premiership side,

“We are a massive team in England now so we have to assume that and play as well as we can every week.”

Talk of the title doesn’t seem to be affecting the players but do the majority of Spurs fans really believe we can mount a challenge?



  1. There’s nothing wrong with having the belief and ambition to be the best, just as long as it’s a reality, and I believe that this season is the real deal, I can see the spirit growing in the team, and it’s rubbing off on me, so yes, we can surprise a lot of people this season, lets go for it, lets be the best.

  2. If we’re still up there at the end of March, we’ll be in with a chance. Talking about challenges for silverware at this stage of the season is just hot air and should be left to the likes of Arsenal, who are usually talking about quadruples in November.

  3. Absolutely, City are without doubt the team to beat and Utd have been there and done it before, but we are playing some fantastic football, I now sit at every game admiring the team that are wearing the famous cockerel on their chest. There is an aura about us these days, like we are going to win every game we play. It’s very similar to watching the man utd’s of the world in recent times, when no matter how good the opponent or how bad they were playing, they would win at all costs!
    Harry has created a great team who work their socks off to get the job done, I think it’s about time that we start believing as fans, I’ve noticed over the past few weeks that those players have that belief, we must now instill it in them. Whatever happens we will go all out to snatch that title and what a feat that would be, we’d go down as one of the greatest teams in Prem league history. Our rivals spent a lot of money through the summer and we spent very little! Harry secretly believes as do the players, it’s about time we as fans started to believe. We will never give up! COYS

  4. The thing that sets title winning teams apart from the rest is belief. We have had very good teams at Spurs in the past but they did not have belief. Often settling for away draws when wins were within their grasp. Its the big thing that Harry has brought to Spurs. The belief that we can win and not settling for draws. It was the most impressive thing about the Swansea game, the almost distraught feeling the players had
    Its now time that fans got belief! We can be the twelth man if we all collectivly believe and almost will the ball into the net at one end and blow it out at the other. Every player needs all the crowd behind them. If they make a mistake get behind them and will them to do better. This is the best chance we have had to win the title since the sixties and we must not let this slip. Cmon Spurs we can do it

  5. We simply do not have a squad strong enough to WIN the title at this time. One injury to Aaron Lennon, not even one of our best players, and our whole team shape fell apart trying to cater for it. Adebyor gets injured and we will be in even more trouble.
    I will start believing if, at the end of January, we have bought a quality forward who can lead the line like Ade and a quality winger. Fantasy land would be Eden Hazard and Leandro Damiao. More realistically though Junior Hoillet and maybe Bobby Zamora.
    A centre back would be nice, but not crucial for a title winning season.

      • Yes. Bobby would be good cover for Adebayor. He is not my first choice but is proven in the Prem and is a good player we could quite possibly get. If Ade leaves in the summer we would look for a top class replacement for him.

  6. Is it time to believe? by Matthew Harris.

    What postition on the table at the end of March should be a good sign of wether CL foootball is coming back to the lane. Sign Samba now as a replacment to the King and get ship out the dead wood asap. If CL football is coming to the Lane then Modders can fuck off and we strengthen for next year.

  7. City fan trolling over. In my opinion, the Spurs are a delightful team to watch. Adebayor, Defoe, Van der Vaart, Bale, Lennon, Modric, Friedel, Parker… that’s eight guys who I would pay to watch play. Additionally, they seem to really enjoy each other’s company–they are a happy bunch, they play an imaginative game and they do so without fear. So… yeah, I think Spurs can win it.

    Used to be the team I feared most was Liverpool–just a bad match-up for us. Now? It’s Spurs.

  8. Its all soooooooooo exciting. Can you imagine if we actually won the title. Get your tissues ready boys i think there could be a lot of mopping up of tears and cum!!!!
    COYS xxx

  9. if we can get 3 wins from the chelsea arsenal liverpool and man city away games we will win the league just got to fight for our lives in them games and not rollover


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