Tottenham’s Dutch international Rafael van der Vaart has hit the headlines for two reasons today in the wake of Spurs’ 5-2 defeat at the Emirates on Sunday. Firstly, Rafa ruled his club out of the title race and at the same time, it was announced that he will miss Holland’s friendly international with England this week due to an ankle injury.

“The title? Of course you always hope but Manchester City are winning their games so easily,” said VDV after the game, “especially now we have lost, so maybe the title is over,”

“Third is our main goal now and I’m really confident we can finish there. “

Asked if the team could bounce back from the defeat against Man United next weekend, Rafa replied.

“It won’t be difficult to lift ourselves. Do we have the mental strength to put this behind us? Of course.

“It will be difficult against United but the confidence is there. This season, we have nearly always played well at home. Yesterday was a bad day but that’s all it was.”

There’s no real news as to the seriousness of Rafa’s ankle injury and he may have withdrawn from the squad as a precaution. Despite starting the game from the bench, yesterday’s match may lead Harry into playing the Dutchman from the start against United, injury permitting of course.




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