After yesterday’s FA Cup semi-final defeat there was only one question on everyone’s mind – how much did the second ‘goal’ influence the result?
Harry Redknapp was clearly furious after the match.
The second goal was a disaster,” Harry said. “It was nowhere near a goal. It was a huge mistake.
“We looked too open after that and they picked us off. It was key. He’s made a big mistake. I don’t see how he can give the goal. It’s nowhere near over the line. There were bodies on the line and the ball couldn’t possibly get over the line.
“He must have guessed. He can’t have been sure.”
Harry also added that the referee Martin Atkinson apologised after the game.
“I spoke to him. He says he feels worse than I do. I said: ‘I don’t think so’.
“He knows he’s made a mistake and he says he’ll have a bad week as well.”
It’s the second season in a row that Chelsea have benefitted against us in this way but how much bearing did the decision have on the overall result?




  1. I enjoyed the game thoroughly. What did you think of Drogba’s goal? Smashing, wasn’t it?
    Discounting the disputed one, the other four were all quite nice really. I suggest we lop off the one that supposedly didn’t cross the line and let’s call it 4-1, just for the sake of fellowship. What do you think?

    • Sounds great, shall we go back and send Chec off too? Oh yes and Mikel for lashing out….and while were at it shall we knock off the two off side goals allowed last week?
      Apparently it all evens out over the season!!!!!

  2. It’s so dissapointing because I honestly think we played really well up until their 3rd goal. They scored a stunner and a fake goal, and we were resiliant and got a goal back.

    There was no excuse for the collapse after that, however. We are seriously lacking confidence.

  3. Lets all be honest – it made no difference at all. We were going to get spanked no matter what with our central defence playing like that. Gallas was well terrible and poor old ledley just cant take it im afraid. I can honestly say im ashamed to be a spurs fan at the moment. We have a manager who clearly isnt going to be there at the end of the season, a Croat midfielder who wants out asap, a very unfit King and VDV and and a very very poor Gallas. Were in big trouble.

    • agreed, why anybody was surprised by yesterday is baffling. It was obvious we would lose. Modric has been playing in 2nd gear for weeks now. He has to go, get the money in and spend it on hungry players who want to do well for us. I’d withdraw his new contract offer immediatley.
      Top 4 is a pipe dream now and to all those foolish fans who thought we should be challenging for the league, when will you ever learn. we are tottenham and we always blow it….. but thats what we are so get used to it.

  4. just witnessed ashley young doing his weekly cheat then turned over to itv to watch this refereeing debacle.its now got so bad i have given up watching football. every other sport on the planet survives with technology yet the one where most money is involved dos,nt. i just don’t mean goalline technology we need it all over the pitch to punish the cheaters like ashley young and those terrible ballotelli tackles that go unpunished.

  5. Don’t think Gallas did a lot wrong for the first goal. Drogba is too strong to take the ball off in those situations so all you can do is show him wide onto his weak foot. He pulled a worldy out the bag and well done to him.

    The collapse after it went 2-1 is inexcusable – where was Parker for third goal? Look at it again and he’s off on the right just jogging back. After that, there was no hope. Referee had nothing to do with it.

    Biggest question now is can we bounce back? Chelsea won so good luck to them (hope they batter LFC) but Harry needs to get the players going again, and fast.

  6. have to agree with paul_Gallas and king are finished and modric was not in the least interested yesterday_start the massive clearout keep friedal walker livermore parker lennon bale sandro dawson kabul and get rid of everything else

  7. Harry (and many Spurs fans) got the selection wrong. Many fans wanted us to play this team. On Friday on another blog I commented that Parker would be killed by the 3 physical midfielders Chelsea like to employ (different ones depending on game). So while Chelsea has Lampard, Mikel and Ramires running around taking control of midfield they were up against vdv, modric and Parker. This works if we score early, and can counter, but not if we go behind. The reality is that Sandro must play, and one of vdv or Lennon has to miss out. Right now I would say that vdv should be the one to miss out.

  8. At the end of the day the better team won the game, but the scoreline certainly flatters the blues, at times they were just hoofing the ball up field, hit and hope style, they certainly don’t deserve 4th in the prem playing like that, I would just like to say good luck in the final, but hope your luck runs out in the league, after all, we play the better football on the eye, and we have been up there all season and deserve that 4th spot.

  9. “bring it on arsene”? “we’ve turned the corner” (according to bale). this time tomorrow 8 points behind. Newcastle WILL get 4th. Parker, VDV and bale ‘lording’ it over Arsenal. Mind the gap????

  10. King and Gallas are abject. But who else can we play right now? I fear it’s going to cost us big time, having to play these over-the-hill old men and cripples.

  11. Harry pannicked , the team went asleep, at the end of this season they will count their wage packets ! and we can count on nothing but lost promises and empty pockets !

  12. Spurs fans have a right to feel aggrieved after that dodgy goal was awarded. Shocking refereeing in a showpiece match yet again. I can understand a ref not seeing if a ball has crossed the line, but to imagine or guess that it did is unforgiveable.
    In saying that, Spurs responded and at 2-1, you lot looked like you had the momentum. Im not sure why you just stopped playing, or at least stopped defending.
    Chelsea probably deserved to win, but we will never know if the result would have been different had the refereeing been fair.
    But, why was Cudicini playing? Why was Gallas marking Drogba, when he has struggled against him for years? Where was Walker? Modric? Not at the races. Even Parker ran out of steam.
    I think you are paying the price for over-using the same nucleus of players.

  13. Your all idiot Chelski fans! you all know wot is ment! lol ha ha lets just call it 4 lol 2-0 kicks a team in the nuts and says HARD WORK! not impossible but Hard ! now 1-0 going to 1-1 is a different kettle of fish!!! Isnt it ???
    Result wouldnt of been the same! might of been the other way round! Jelous Tottenham Haters! COYS xx

  14. Quite simply, our season was over the moment we were overtaken by Arsenal into 3rd. How can any team surrender such a huge margin of points and then hit form again in the final few games?? Don’t care what anyone says, Capello losing his job and Harry then being singled out to replace him is the reason why we have fallen apart. How can the results since then be simply a coincidence?? Modric is definitely on his way out, Adebayor is OK, but not worth the money it will take to keep him, King’s injuries have caught up with him and Gallas/Nelson are simply too old to play consistently well anymore.

    I’m one of those fans that would love someone like Mourinho in charge of Spurs, however on the basis that we won’t be playing Champions League next season, I would go all out for David Moyes, who has the PL experience and has worked miracles with little resources and starting the rebuild as soon as possible.

    Next season we will have Huddlestone, Dawson and Caulker back, Naughton might be back in the frame and we can rake in at least £40m for Modric. Blood the youngster Coubilay into the squad too. No we won’t be playing CL, but Spurs have always been able to attract good players and have unearthed a number of gems before. With £50/60m to spend in the summer, surely any manager worth his salt could get us 2 solid centre backs, a right midfielder to challenge Lennon and a decent striker???
    Sorry to sound defeatest with us still sitting in 4th, but I just can’t see the same players suddenly going on a run of 4/5 wins in a row after yesterday’s 2nd half surrender…

  15. Seeing your season implode is a devastating experience. Clinging on to “a dodgy decision excuse” doesn’t help. Ripping into to your team and manager is pointless, get behind them instead, they’re feeling as bad as you are.

    Supporters support! True supporters support through the good times and the bad.

    Get off Harry’s back, he’s doing the best he can.

    Central defence has been a problem since Sol Campbell left and Levy has done nothing to correct it. Gallas, Woodgate and Nelsen on top of King’s persistent injuries where a recipe for disaster.

    Stick with your team, they need your support!

  16. I see us winning the league next season and finnishing above Arsenal.Harry Rednapp is a genius at turning things around.Just wait and see the goons will be crying soon.

      DREAM ON AND JOG ON MUPPET!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      OH AND MIND THE FUCKING FUCKINGGGGG GAPPPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YA HEAR ME BOY!!!

      • You watch it tw*t We will overtake you goons by this time next week.We lost at Wembley because the refs didnt want us to win.Spurs are better than Arsenal pound for Pound.

        • Except when it came down to it, we shit all over your pitiful excuse for a team. The fellow gooner above is being extremely rude, but come on now.

    • Sorry Derrick I can’t agree with you about Harry, turning Portsmouth round from a stable moderately successful club into a financial basket case isn’t the act of a genius.

      God help England if the FA actually give him the managers job, although it will be a blessing for Spurs if he does get it.

  17. If we beat QPR I think we will win the rest of our games. Confidence has been our downfall, we can still play a bit! A boring 1-0 and 3 points would get us back on track.

  18. It’s a disgrace. Not many other teams could manage to do what we’ve done over the last couple of months. We are a laughing stock.

    • Spot-on my friend. I always say with the monies these players receive I’ll give my everything and more.Look @ teams below us, they throw their bodies on the line. The thing is we can’t handle people in our face & when these people attack we back-off.That leads to goals & ultimately losses.MAKES U SAD WHEN U THINK HOW WE HAVE FALLEN INTO THIS RUT.

  19. i’m sick of this team making excuses,for refereeing blunders.they must look @ themselves,Gallas must look & attack the ball,not run away from it.Asekotto is the worst leftback in the league,u don’t backpeddle when somebody runs @ u ,that immediatly puts the backline under pressure.He is more worried about his hair than about defending What’s wrong with Danny Rose?. Modric was never in the bloody game,putting VDV. & Parker under immense pressure & to make matters worse Harry subs VDV.,for the last couple of games(modric) hasn’t contributed anything of note,maybe he is more concerned where his going next season.In hindsight Harry must get his injury defenders up & running or get better defenders,because other teams thrive on defenders backpeddling into their own box.This has been our worst defeat in an FA Cup since i’ve been supporting this team & that’s a very long time.

  20. is it absolutely necessary to give these foul-mouthed, imbecilic, illiterate idiots space on this site? there’s free speech and then there’s just giving license to brainlessness!


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