Omar El Kaddouri has appeared in this portal on at least two occasions in the past so suggestions elsewhere that the name might not be familiar to us aren’t quite true. However, if reports coming out of Italy are to be believed, Spurs have now made an offer for the Belgian under 21 international.
El Kaddouri is a midfielder who currently plays in Serie B with Brescia. He is still only 21 and while he may not have developed as quickly as his compatriot Eden Hazard, this is a promising player who has attracted interest at the highest level of Italian football.
The site that claims a Spurs offer is Tutto Mercato but sadly, any attempts to get to the bottom of it have been thwarted by the fact that it’s in Italian. However, El Kaddouri seems to dominate the headlines there and a Juventus link is obvious.
Overall, a continued stay in Italian football may be on the cards for the player in question.



  1. Rubbish article. I think its pointless to speculate or any players until our new manager takes over from the big mouth no class arry.

    • He was never King, he simply has the most talented bunch of Spurs players in decades but tactically lines them up wrong every game.
      The old tactic of letting them go out and do there thing is great if it works against crap sides but when he comes up against a tactically astute manager we get destroyed.

      The only players who in a way can be blamed of late is Ledley, Gallas and Nelson simply because they are too old to do the job but harry keeps signing players like this.

      I also think Modric has been terrible and we should cash in, other than that I have faith in that squad.

      • couldn’t agree more jayme, our squad is a top 3 squad easy and our best team should at least be better than man u but with harry letting them play where they like we will be in 6th come saturday which if we had no manager all season and played with a rush goalie and only 8 players we would still be better off!!!! sickens me the yids who think he is good because we once finished in a champions league spot!! the blokes a bigger clown than gomes who after redknapp played all season costing us a champions league place he now treats him like he has leprosy! great man manager that bloke!!!

      • Whats wrong with my Tictacs, i show the boys a box before every game and tell them to run around a bit……its not my fault.


        • Tactics , you can’t even read so how do you have any tactics , you signed shite old players , you have no clue what to do , when things go wrong , you make changes and hope things will change. You let Bale , Modders and VDV , play wherever they want to and look what has happened to the team. Go coach England you past your sell by date , and yes you have the best set of players , Spurs had for a long time and you messed up , …..

  2. At the beginning of the season i would have teaken 4th right now with the 5 remaining games we’ve got.
    We’ve been pretty unlucky this season – should have got a draw at least against stoke, should have beaten chelsea twice, should have won again man city. There’s not much wrong. We play some great football at times. If you’d seen some of the dross we served up in the last 20 years you’d be pretty pleased. Not sure why people insist Harry should leave. Who are you gonna replace him with??? What’s your problem??? Lost a couple of games. So what????

    • if we had messi, ronaldo, xavi, iniesta, ribery would you still be happy with top 6?????? answer is yes i bet!!? the point i’m making is this squad we have is BETTER yes BETTER yes i said BETTER than a top 6 team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But for some reason you and maybe another 3 or 4 yids and harry (the cock) redknapp seem to thinks it’s ok to struggle to finish in the top 6 because we used to struggle before…. well this isn’t before it is now and this team should be top 2!!!!!! even then with a good manager we should be pushing for the title and not getting smashed 5 or 6-1 in some games!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • This season we’ve been dreadfully unlucky or according to some have been cheated out of a top 3 finish. But almost all clubs in our position can say that. As much as I hate to say it, the main reason were on this freefall is because of the two major flaws in Redknapp’s management style. The frustrating thing is he has made the same mistakes two seasons in a row. He doesn’t rest any players, which alienate our fringe players and run our first teamers into the ground. So when we come to the stretch run all the players we need to step up our either dead tired or aren’t in game form. The second flaw is well mentioned, the tactical side of things, he’s just weak.

  3. I have said this before , there is nothing wrong with HR.
    If you are happy finishing 5th,6th or 7th. HRs record is 1 cup win and 1 relegation. There are 4 kinds of managers
    1 will save from relegation
    2 will take you from relegation to mid table
    3 will take you to europa
    4 wins titles
    Its just time for No 4

  4. Who would we replace him with? Anyone mate. Look at DiMatteo at Chelsea. Some managers are not crap, they are just stuck managing crap teams. Give the job to Hughton, he has done brilliantly at newcastle and birmingham.

    Redknapp has lost the plot. He has forced the same players on the pitch game after game. Where is krancjar, dos santos, more of defoe? He treats them like dogs, then in the fa semi he fields Cudicini out of some stupid notion that he has to. He played Nelson the game before but where was he in the semi? Dropped. So drop Carlo too. Chelsea smell a weak goalie and (sorry ledders) a crocked defender and they are free to attack. The rest of the team look exhausted. If we finish 5th I will be surprised. Redknapp will be lucky to not get sacked, let alone get offered the England job.


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