Suggestions in the Daily Express today claim that Spurs are ready to discard their two January signings at the end of this season. Louis Saha and Ryan Nelsen joined the club amidst claims of a shortage of available talent but if the reports are to be believed, both players are due to be ditched as soon as possible.
The report also suggests that an internal inquiry could be on the cards as Spurs look into the rest of their deals in the winter window. Vedran Corluka and Seb Bassong were allowed to leave on loan while Steven Pienaar also moved back to Everton despite Spurs missing out on the loan signing of Milos Krasic.
Asked to justify some of his deals in January Harry was defiant and defensive
“Corluka wanted to go and Pienaar wanted to go, so we let them. We have had no problem in midfield because I’ve got Sandro to play there. The only problem we’ve had is we’ve been a bit short up front,” he said.
“I had five central defenders and now I have only two because of injuries. How many do you want? Five is plenty for two positions.”
Whether Saha and Nelsen will be moved on remains to be seen but how much of this current situation is down to those January deals?



  1. No-one on here (or anywhere else) moaned about those players that left at the time. The problem was that those players were NEVER playing in the PL – no rotation whatsoever – so they wanted to leave. Think about it…

    Bassong left, Nelsen came in – 1 for 1
    Pavlyuchenko left, Saha came in – 1 for 1

    The Krasic deal fell through but Pienaar went anyway because he NEVER played (we still have Krancjar and Gio).

    Theo nly dodgy one was letting Corluka go because Naughton was already out on loan. He’s the only one we didn’t have cover for.

    The injuries to Lennon and the centre backs have been unlucky – the problem was that he didn’t rest anyone ever.

    But then, every week on this site, you do a “here’s our team, what’s yours” feature, and I don’t think you’ve suggested resting Walker, BAE or Bale once yourselves.

    Hindsight is 20-20 – I don’t think there are many people who would have done things differently to what Harry has done.

    • You make some good points, Nikolay, but fans are fans and managers are paid millions of pounds a season to make sure they manage a squad of players.

      It’s a complete myth that Redknapp is a good man manager. Players always want to play, but occasionally it’s in the interest of the team if they don’t. Redknapp has overplayed some players, but underplayed others. After four seasons, he still doesn’t know what our best formation is.

      He has relied solely on the quality of a handful of players. Time to go.

      • Here here TMWNN.

        We have no cover at LB, RB, RW.

        We have no like for like cover for Modders and Ade.

        Ledley is a half a player in terms of games able to play, its been like this for years.

        If slap Harry doesn’t rotate and give players like Gio, Krankie, Rose a chance then it’s not a squad, its a team of 11 with some cheer leading mates.

        Fergie has been rotating for years to good effect, that’s way players don’t ask to leave a lot, they are all in the same boat. They will get chances to play.

        We have loaned out 7 decent players over the course of this season.

        Harry go and take the schoolboy JD with you.

  2. It is a combination of poor formations (eg Harry opted for 4 4 2 against Norwich and that cost us the match and others) and the January deals. Extremely gutted.

  3. Nikolay Bollukov – I don’t think there are many people who would have done things differently to what Harry has done.

    hes meant to be the best working english manager, surely he should have a bit more foresight than anyone else.

  4. It’s not down to january its down to when we got bullied into selling Berbatov to the mancs,what I didn’t understand was letting our youngsteeers out on loan when they could of done a job for us,ffs Arry sort it out!

  5. Thing is Harry thinks to rotate means to change the whole team sheet instead of resting 1 maybe 2 players against weaker teams ,he hasn’t a clue tactically and has been found out,how can he expect to play the same team every week,he has lost the respect of the players and a good majority of the fans,sooner he goes the better,we need a good director of football and a manager who is tactically sound I would go for Martinez or Rodgers,probably Martinez as he has had more premiership time

  6. I felt top 4 should’ve been there for the taking last season as Arsenal and City dropped off; but so too did Spurs, I felt HR would learn from this and use his squad but more than ever a player needs to pull a ham string to get a rest; wonder why he pulled that hamstring? Players also do not know who they are playing for next season and we have seen this always affects a team, Harry stop making pitiful excuses, more so stop the feck saying “Spurs fans ‘ave never ‘ad it so good”, it has become patronising.

  7. You still here Harry. Levy do us a favour and boot him up the bum out of our beloved club.Next time you appoint someone, make sure he is not a mercenary like Redknap, and make sure he respects the fans.


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