One of the top stories involving Spurs today comes with the headline ‘Ledley King joy for Spurs’ and suggests that our club skipper will remain at the club next season despite another injury hit campaign.

Ledley was reported to be guaranteed another deal if he were to play 20 games this season – he’s currently played in 15 so it’s irrelevant in that respect if he were to feature against Fulham on Sunday.

Even if Jan Vertonghen doesn’t arrive at the club this summer, it seems likely that Spurs will look at other defensive targets but you could understand why Harry, if he stays, would want his skipper still around the place.

What’s the fans view however – how much would we want Ledley to stay another year?




  1. It’s a shame what’s happened with Ledley King, but it would be even more of a shame if Redknapp turned his back on him and he was forced to leave. Hopefully we have Champions League football next season, meaning that we’re going to need as many fully fit defenders as possible. I say keep him on and use him for the Carling Cup and FA Cup fixtures, plus the occasional league game when necessary.
    Provided that we actually sign Jan Vertonghen, I’d like to use him as a left back, with Kaboul and Caulker our main defensive duo. That leaves Dawson, Gallas and King to be rotated frequently enough to keep everyone happy.

    • He hasn’t got the speed anymore to play full back. You can see he’s struggling with his speed at Centre half.
      Played well early in the season but just can’t get the fitness into the legs anymore cos he cant train. His last few games he looked shot to bits.
      Maybe it’s time to hang up the boots as I want to remember the Ledley king who could run down Henry, Robben et al while giving them a 5 yard headstart, not the one getting mugged of by people like Ballotelli and Grant Holt
      They couldn’t even dream of getting around a fully fit Ledley King

      • Balotelli’s one was unlucky and TBH, if there wasn’t a nudge in the build up he wouldnt have had to make up the yards and many a time had Ledley put in a similar last ditch tackle like that and just about got something on the ball, so he was bound not to eventually once.

        The Norwich game – yes he looked rubbish. It was no surprise to me when I found out after that he was playing with an injury. If Gallas / Kaboul / Dawson were fit, he wouldnt have been playing, so I think that game needs to be forgiven & forgotten.

  2. king is a legend, but its time to retire. we need centre backs who can play at least five games in a row

  3. Time to retire as a player one of the best to wear the shirt. Has alot to teach if he can coach he should preferably at Spurs.

  4. I know there’s no room for sentiment in today’s football but Ledley has risked crippling himself later in life on behalf of Spurs so surely the club owes him one more season. If his knee stands up to it, he can still do a first rate job in selected games.
    I also hope the club dont play games with Ajax over Vertonghen and allow another club to come in and steal him. We need him so finalise the deal quickly!

    • He has put himself at risk for the cause but also has been paid hansomely for his services.
      Would love to see him still in our shirt, perhaps Cup matches. Agree we should sort this vertonghen deal out sharpish, If he’s the one they want, get it done

  5. He has earnt another year. No doubt about that. He’s been great this yeat.. It’s only been his last few games where he has looked shakey and we then find out he has been playing with an injury, hence him now being rested. Ok his knees will always be dodgy and 3 games in 8 days or less is always going to be too much for him now, but while we were on our great run earlier in the year and Ledley got a run of games, everyone was saying how much of a difference he makes when he’s in the team and was playing well.

  6. I totally agree with you george M , ledley has risk crippling himself for spurs he has been here forever he’s given his footballing life to spurs so why not keep him for another season as he is willing to suffer the pain of his knee for us again , if we manage to sign some good defenders we could still use ledley as backup , what a great backup defender to have spurs owe it to ledley and not just for his loyalty after all he did’nt do a sol cambell and quit the club he was with for most of his career . long live the king.

  7. That’s it CAPONS stick with ledley he’s about as lively as the OLD KING and he’s been dead sixty years COYI!

  8. There was talk of King going to Holland, having pioneering surgery on his knee and being able to play pain free for 2 or 3 years after spending all next season recovering.

    If that is the case then yes sign him on a sensible contract. He has been excellent for most of the season but he does now look unfit, a bit fat, and has been found out 4 times this season (Ballotelli, Rositsky, Holt +1 I can’t remember).

    If he is not having an op then maybe a pay as you play deal. At some stage we need to move on as now we only have Kaboul and an inexperienced Caulker as long term centre backs.


  10. ……Llorris
    Walker Kaboul Vertonghen BAE

    Would be the best backline Spurs had in ages. Caulker 3rd choice. Dawson King and Gallas to rotate in smaller and cup games. Sell Nelsen and Bassong. Naughton and Rose on full-back cover. Great.

    Sign a attacking midfielder and striker. Guaranteed 3rd spot.
    Keep Ledders though – as a squad player

  11. Move him on to coaching the defence, he’ll always be a legen but he’s playing days are just about over. Shame great defender

  12. Ledley is truly a Spurs King and Legend, however i feel his playing days are up. I say this in the kindest sense for him and ‘our’ club.
    I strongly believe he should not be sold to another club (god forbid we see him in another’s colours), but should be employed by Spurs as a defensive coach and /or ambassador.

  13. Maybe Bale. think he Can do very Well. Walker and Bale behind lennon and ? kranjkar would be fun. More likely modric and parker back in the middle.

  14. Mr Tottenham should be given a role at the club other than playing. He’s been a loyal servant and one of the best CB’s around. No one goes on forever and it’s a shame but unless King can get the knees fixed he should retire. Not because of football but he has a lifetime ahead of him and his health should come first. Who’s the nutter who wants vertonghen to play left back? He wants to play CB. The reason he wants to come to Spurs is as a CB. He’s forced to play wide by his country and hates it! We also need to get rid of players like Dawson. It drives me insane to see spurs fans wanting success then saying play dawson. He’s a disaster waiting to happen. Spurs need to build a classy side. We finally have gotten the longball out of our game and then dawson gets mentioned. Christ! When he plays he hits a long ball every other kick. It comes straight back, and because he does it from RB he’s out of position and we’re in it. He also passes this rubbish to Kaboul. I’m sick of watching Dawson make last ditch efforts and getting caught out 10 yards from the penalty box. His fouls around the 18 yrd box cause us heaps of problems. Two games for england and identical mistakes leading to goals. We need harry gone so we can get caulker (doesn’t give young uns a go) back as understudy to Kaboul and Vertonghen with gallas as back up. The key to fitness and a good understanding is rotating the group. Not weekly but as required. That’s why rednapp has to go if spurs are to keep pace with the top sides. Harry has a fear of losing so only plays 12-13 players. As we’ve seen this is a fundemental mistake. No one improves sitting on the bench all season. We also need a manager who is comfortable paying 442-433 and/or 451 as it suits. The villa game really showed what a lot of us already know. He finds it difficult to make simple decisions, even making a sub. We have trouble scoring at times because ol arry is old school and loves seeing the ball whacked onto a big head in the box. We had something like 15 corners and still couldn’t score from one. Yet we did the same kick everytime. This is where a real manager steps in and mixes things up. You can’t leave it to the players all the time. Good luck to Ledley whatever he does.

  15. I think he should have got a coaching role two years ago and money spent on a replacement then.We can’t keep risking his health and at the same time never having a settled back four.
    We can’t keep on picking up freebies and play players at the end of their careers and expect to compete with the big boys.
    What will happen is the cheers will soon turn to jeers for Ledley and that would be a crying shame

  16. Not sure l am happy to hear Ledley King is staying on, for next season; I have watched him closley , he’s pace or lack of it now is a MAJOR CONCERN.We have copped goals due ti his inability to either stay with a stricker or close himm down. I personally am hoping, he call it quits…

  17. Extending Ledley’s contract would be a big mistake. I notice that he was gradually losing pace over 2 years ago!
    With the 25-man squad rule, we would be wasting one space.


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