Around 12 months ago the asking price for Italian striker Giuseppi Rossi was around £30m but what a difference a year can make in football. Injuries and an unexpected relegation for his club side Villarreal has got the rumour mills speaking in terms of around £10m for his services.
While these suggestions continue however, the player himself is likely to be out until December 2012 at least. The jury was always out whenever Rossi’s name was mentioned but these have been serious injuries – will he ever be the same player again?
Meanwhile, as Europe gets set to pick over the scraps of Villarreal’s relegation, Rossi’s club mate Nilmar has also been mentioned. A Brazilian international, his record in Spain isn’t exactly prolific with a goal every three games or so but his agent has talked about contact from the UK, leading to suggestions that Spurs are involved.
“We are in contact with a French side, an English side, a Spanish side and three Italian sides,” said Orlando da Hora.
With the quotes from Adebayor emerging this morning regarding his future, the transfer stories will be picking up on alternatives should Ade not return but maybe these two should be shelved for now at least.
I would take Rossi even if it meant waiting until January for him to be fit. His goalscoring record is amazing he know’s the premiership albeit with Man Utd when he was younger. He is still extremely young and for the amounts discussed would be a real snip. Imagine having him fresh for the second half of the season
Answer: Nope
Every fucking day you boring BERKS that’s CUNTS for those who don’t understand. Who we gonna buy, who we gonna buy. No one decent wants to play for ya, so get it through your thick POTATOE LOAFS and if ya lucky kink CAPON levy might sign ya some of our rejects FORTUNES ALWAYS HIDING COYI!
Oye Chim Chimp just cos your Dad left you and your Mum’s a druggie doesn’t give you the right to go on message boards and spout your anger. Oh and by the way isn’t this gyro day for you. Run along dick head your like a bad smell that lingers where its not wanted…….
Illiterate cunt. Funny how your best player wanted to play for a proper club. Why don’t you have Bentley for another term. You won’t get any better than him, and that is saying something.
what a sad poster you are!
It’s completely unnecessary to use that kind of language. You also have the whole of the internet at your disposal, yet can’t spell. The younger generations read this blog and certainly don’t need to try and read the vitriolic garbage you have typed. Please go somewhere else and be whatever you are.
No one decent wants to play for us?
Not even the crap ones want to play for you
Rossi for 10 mill…..yes please. But only after we get a target man and the chap from Ajax. Damiano or llorente would be perfect.
angry since his Uncle tried to fiddle with him and his mum at the same time..
Any Time you Pikey Prick….Comon Blackpool!!!!
Chim chim ok mate hows it going? If you fancy some cock you know where i am dont you.
Lookslike you pulled chim chim you fag.
chim chim cher woo get a life, rvp to city . so sit down n shut the f up
You know Chim Chim I might actually agree with you if I could work out what you are saying….go learn how to write a sentance in English, then come tell us again…pratt..
It shows how uninteresting your own stories must be….
A round of drinks when your ready Carlos
Your mother should have been sterilized at birth.
Oi chim chim, what do you know, lower league yo yo muppetts, not in our league. Lets hope Blackpool condemn you to another year in the chumpionship wilderness.
Good to see West Ham fans showing everyone else how totally moronic they are. How can someone who supports a tin pot club like yours think you have the right to make a comment!
Come on Balckpool!!!
Got to go now guys got to go suck my fathers cock
It’s a shame you’re mother didn’t.
i want 2012-2013 season signing vertoghen/diarra/moses or hoilet/ ganso/foster/adabayor/nilmer or rossi or remy or milito or berbatov to better formation 4-2-3-1/-4-4-1-1/4-1-2-1-2
by the formations mentioned there it looks like someone has been playing too much fifa?
Agree with vertonghen, not diarra, moses, hoilett, foster or berbatov
DIarra – We have a legend in the making in sandro and parker will always be first choice
moses – please! whos he going to come into the first x1 for?
hoilett? poor mans lennon
foster???? that is ridiculous hes a calamity hes like robinson and gomes combined, i heard we were potentially in for hugo lloris now that is a keeper
I think we should go all out and try and persuade sneijder to come to the lane and the gail platt impersonator can go to chelscum if he pleases, overrated for the 5 good games a season he has
berbatov can go and eat shit for all im concerned, a classic case of the grass isnt always greener on the other side….
I wrote to bbc with a prediction that wed sign van der vaart in the window we did actually sign him and there were no links at all, got a good feeling that wesley will be joining his best chum at N17 next season
I like Rossi, but he dosen’t want to play for us. How many times have we been linked with him in the past and it never happens.
Let concentrate on players who want to wear the shirt!
Chimp Chimp Braincell Two…..what a completely ignorant and utterly pointless person you must be. Infact, chimp is too good for a marmoset-minded moron like you. I do count several Arsenal fans amongst my friends and I’m convinced they would prefer to either castrate themselves or drink bleach than sit next to you in the stands……that’s if you’re old enough to be allowed there in the first place.
BTW, if you don’t understand anything I have written, please ask your pet donkey….you’ll find him in bed with your mother right now……retard!!!
I wished i was really intelligent like you. I could go to the library with all my spetackled friends just like me, reading books about girls genatalia. Then once we had all got Very excited, we could go back to my little room where I live with my elderly parents and play with our little forty year old penises. P.s learn to fucking read properly I’m no goober but a big long HAMMER! COYI!
How can we sign Rossi? How would he pass the medical if he is injured until Dec 2012….?
Parklaner Your right the good one don’t want to play for you and the rubbish one’s don’t even want to play for a rubbish team either.
Spurs at their best in 50 years could not do better than ARSENAL at the worst for 50 years.
Harry could not even get the England job too twitchy he is
will you cheer RVP when he scores against arsenal in a city shirt?? i know i will!!!!!!!!!!
Are you related in any way to Chimp Chimp Baboon?
I was wright wasn’t I . You are a forty year old tosser who lives at home with his parents ha ha ha!
TOKYOYID no sorry I am not related to you. You CHIMP BOY
KOLS Man city don’t want any of your players, just the best around
I will cheer when RVP scores against you in a ARSENAL shirt
and harry will twitch
TOKYOYID the bleach drinker … you damn idiot. has spurs driven you to drink bleach
Why are you on a spurs website surely arsenal arn’t that boring?
I am just copying all them spurs fans that go to arsenal web sites
Chim chim you cunting runt of a hammerette.
Chim chim why don’t u fuck of u knuckle dragging pikey cunt
flippin idiots! check out your own squad b4 u start cumin on here chattin bare crap! who have u got? rvp thats it.. WOW amazing mate ajax defender SNUBBED arsehole for spurs!! chim chim faggothead, p off and let real fans who support a real club speak.. ant u got anythin better 2 do?
spurs will make great signings.. we always do.. Yid army coys
Please let’s wait to see what happens with the fee first before we get excited. It could easily go poo
And Kellyitday …we have made some proper shit signings in the past. Ruel fox for five million springs to mind. Then again so has every club in the prem. Shit signings always happen
Chim chimaney chim chimany chim chim cheroo we hate those bastards on clarett n blue COYS
Chim chimaney chim chimany chim chim cheroo we hate those bastards in clarett n blue COYS
carlos teves