At the beginning of last season it looked as if Niko Kranjcar may play a more comprehensive role in Tottenham’s campaign but as the months wore on, injury helped to condemn him to an even more fruitless contribution than in 2010-11.

After talking of a move for some considerable time now, it looks as though the Croatian will finally be on his way with a transfer to Dinamo Kiev rumoured to be lined up.

“The two clubs have reached an agreement, there are just a few minor details to be sorted out and I am still to define my personal terms,” Niko told the media in Zagreb.

The deal is expected to go through after Euro 2012 and it would seem almost certain that Kranjcar has played his last game in a Spurs shirt.



  1. another very good player brought to us , onmly to sit on the bench. When you look at the players H.R. has brought in you can wonder why Levi is asking questions . a very poor game for money return and most will be sold at a loss . why are we procrastinating show him the door

  2. I will be very diappointed if this proves to be true. I believe that Nico is a very talented player and should not be allowed to leave the Lane at this time. Until the Redknapp contract is sorted and we also know what is going to happen regarding Modric, Bale etc. There are other players that could go without affecting this scenario.

  3. With Krankjar and Pienaar looking to be on there way are we going to buy replacements or use our youngsters to come in to the first team squad Townsend / Rose / Falque?


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