The stories come thick and fast at Spurs at the moment as the club’s official website breaks the news of the Gylfi Sigurdsson signing.

‘We are delighted to announce that we have completed the transfer of Gylfi Sigurdsson from Hoffenheim,’ the announcement reads.

The attacking midfielder is no stranger to the Premier League having enjoyed an impressive loan spell at Swansea City during the second half of last season.

He scored seven times in 19 appearances as well as picking up the Barclays Player of the Month award for March.’

Nobody seems to be confirming a fee at the moment although the claim that we are paying wages of £50,000 a week is a common theme – figures that seem to have trumped Liverpool!

Needless to say this has led to suggestions over who he may replace in the squad but for now we welcome Gylfi. A good signing for the club?



  1. I think he will prove to be a good signing yes, if we are playing a 4-3-3, we need one of the midfield 3 to be a goal threat, and this is what Gylfi will (hopefully) be.
    Not just that, he is also a clever player who looked, last season, very comfortable in possession and ready to do his bit for the team.
    Welcome to the Lane Gylfi

  2. Does anybody else find it irritating how mainstream media outlets report it as if AVB has worked very quickly to sign him as he only took over yesterday? I mean it’s clear that the deal was worked on for a while before AVB was announced and was ready to be announced it seems but the club wanted to confirm the manager first. Everybody knows this is how it went down but yet they always return to the same old outdated style of reporting that simply dumbs the facts down and ignores most of them just so they can continue the old rhetoric of ‘well he’s the manager, so he made the signing’. He’s not the MANAGER anyway and if you’ve even paid any attention to Levy’s Spurs just a little you know that this deal wasn’t simply down to AVB so why say it?
    Obviously not directed at uou but I can’t bring myself to sign up to the Mail etc… only to have my comment not posted anyway!
    Rant over.

    • Levy is no fool.
      Yes, of course we all know that the deal was in place before AVB was announced, i should imagine they will run exactly the same when/if Vertonghen signs for us.
      However, we could not announce AVB till July 1st because of his contract with Chelsea.
      Therefore, Levy, i would imagine, delayed the actual signing of Gylfi to create a good vibe around the club when AVB was confirmed.
      I guess you’re going to say that Bale signing his new deal has nothing to do with AVB?
      Come on, Levy has known for weeks that this would be the man in charge, Bale will have been informed of that, as will Gylfi and i’d imagine Vertonghen…..they all wanted to sign up to AVB’s spurs project!
      Personally i think the spurs board have played an absolute blinder in delaying the Gylfi deal, and the official press conference to announce AVB, i fully expect atleast 1, if not 2 more new faces to join AVB at said conference next week which will also see the new kit launched and, HOPEFULLY, the new stadium plans made official.
      Now stop doing what the media want you to do, and thats putting both Levy and AVB down before the bloke has been given a chance, and get behind them both!!!

      • Absolutely right Jurgen. The media are just itching for a chance to have a go at AVB, Levy and Spurs in general. It’s clear that AVB has been behind all the player recruitment for some time. The press and media are dominated by gooners, look at the BBC, how often has monkey man Keown appeared on the BBC lately? Ignore the media, support the club and let’s hope AVB isn’t another Christian Gross……….

        • I feel exactly the same! I don’t think he will be, fact is, if we had have appointed him 12 months ago the whole of the premier league and press alike would be raving about what a good appointment we have just made.
          You don’t become a bad manager in 254 days, he was just unlucky at Chelsea.
          I genuinely feel we have the players in place to compliment the system he will want to use, and while we may not get top 4 this coming year, the future SHOULD be brighter under AVB than it would have Harry.

          • Sorry but I’ve been misunderstood a little in part.
            I’m not criticising AVB, Levy or Sig whatsoever.
            Ultimately what I’m saying is that I don’t like how the media dresses things. The point is no deal gets done without Levy’s approval and so I’m just saying that it should read’ Tottenham’s first signing since AVB’ and not AVB’s first. He’s the head coach and is part of a commitee. I just want it to be reported how it is based on what we all see going on at the club. Of course I acknowledge AVB wasn’t exactly clueless about our transfer intentions and it has to be about the head coach fancying the players we sign, otherwise we go back to Jol/Commoli which was a nightmare as they weren’t on the same page.

  3. Potentially, a great signing and a wonderful bit of business for spurs. Well done levy!!! The kid is 22, a REAL set-piece specialist, very skilful, brave, hard working, can score goals ( from inside or outside the box), has two good feet, can head it and has got an eye for a pass too.PLUS he has proven premier league experience…. What more can you ask for? And all this for £8million! Can’t wait to see the kid in action…. I got a feeling he’s gonna be a real fan favourite for years to come. watch this space!!!

  4. Another player motivated by money,on pittance with germans,offered double with pool and signed for wheel barrows full at the shitty lane,remember ppl bye bye modric lol,another greedy person that will double his Doe across the street at chelski.

    • Wow, are you a scouser in (not very good) disguise? He is moving for his career and for money. Just like the other 98% of footballers. And frankly, just like the other 98% of workers who are offered more money at a bigger company.
      Keep chewing those sour grapes.

  5. Had a few good games at Swansea,hardly set the world on fire,from Iceland,hardly a super power,wouldn’t lace modrics boots,good sub at best,still paid over the top with wages,I support Swansea hence GREEDY GYLFI.

  6. Ps Andre what have spurs won recently since he joined for career,must like bus travels in Europa league,would rather sit in the house myself

    • Keep supporting Swansea then fella, because the closest you’ll ever get to a European away day is when you cross the border into England!!!

    • I don’t know mate, ask Newcastle who finished 5th.
      I’m guessing you meant 4th? which is where we finished.
      For 4th you get the money and recognition you need to sign the players we have signed over the years, a starting 11 made up of players (excluding Friedel as Vorm looks good) that would easily have walked into the Swansea team last year.
      Hell, you even get players (Caulker) that aren’t yet good enough for our 1st 11, that still stoll into yours and make you a better team.
      I can take the abuse off of Arsenal, Man U, Man City and even Chelsea fans, but Swansea…..mate, do one!
      You’re nothing, and i’d imagine the 2nd season syndrome will see you slip out the league this year, i only hope (now that you’ve had the nerve to knock us), that it’s Cardiff that come up and replace you.
      Now who’s the tit?!

    • We finished fourth. Facts are obviously not your forte. If you’re going to be a smart arse at least be in command of the basic facts. Bring on welsh devolution I say. The sooner we get shot of you spounging leek eaters the better England will be. My taxes won’t pay your benefits anymore and you’ll have to get off your arse and starting digging coal again. Boo Hoo.
      And by the way… Your club has not won a single trophy of note since its formation in 1912. 100 years. A whole century. No wonder you fuck sheep for entertainment.

  7. Clearly a 4-3-3- lineup will be difficult to field given the current squad at AVB’s disposal. Let’s assume Bentley, Dos Santos, Modric are on the way out. Abebayor I believe gets done, because it’s a death sentence if he doesn’t! Going into a season with Defoe as the only striker is madness. How on earth do you field a 4-3-3- with the crew we have? It allows for no flexibility in personnel.
    My opinion is that he goes more often with a 4-5-1 or a 4-4-1-1-. That allows him to use VDV more often and rotate in our central midfielders (an area of strength or at least bodies with Parker – Huddlestone – Livermore – Sandro – Jenas and now Gylfi). In the 4-5-1, you’ve got players like Bale, Lennon, Pienaar (who looks more and more like staying), Rose to play up top flanking the lone striker. Defoe thrives in a 4-5-1 where he can get service from the wings. In a pinch, VDV can play on the wing, however he is quite vocal about is feelings for playing “out of position”.
    I don’t buy the idea the AVB is so stuck to his 4-3-3 formation that he won’t use his squad to the fullest. Man, I really hope Jenas and Bentley find new homes though! They both seem like such a downgrade now. Here’s to being hopeful. COYS!!!


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