The press is full of reports surrounding Charlie Adam’s tackle on Gareth Bale at the weekend which left the Spurs midfielder on crutches. However, thorough examination of the stories has found nothing relating to the extent of the injury itself.

Spurs fans instantly recalled another horror challenge by the same player on Gareth when Adam was at Blackpool,

“There are pictures on the internet of what he did before when he snapped all my ankle ligaments. I was out for three months that time. He’s come for me twice now – and he’s got me twice,” Bale said.

“When someone makes a very bad tackle on you, you expect an apology. I’ve had no apology. And I’m not going to accept his apology.”

Andre Villas-Boas was equally angry although he did state that Adam spoke to him after the match,

“I think it was a very nasty challenge from Charlie. The player had gone and he came in from behind on Gareth’s ankle. I did not know the previous history between the two. I do now,” AVB said.

“At half-time Charlie came to me and said something about the challenge. I can accept that but I think he should apologise to the player.”

While these quotes are widely available on the net, it can only be hoped that the lack of news regarding the injury means that it isn’t as serious as the last time Adam got the player back in 2011.



  1. useless tackle from a useless player – that the only way adam can make an impact on the pitch because he has no talent – this is great for spurs now will we even have a good team to put out against newcastle

  2. the f.a. and f.i.f.a, should both get together, and put adam on a season ban, there is no place in football, when a so called professional makes two separate, deliberate, tackles on the same player, trying to ruin his career, adam has no skill, no pace, the only way he justifies his place in football, is to try to kick players to bits, i hope, and i am not vindictive, that if he plays next season, someone puts him out of the game, with the same kind of tackle, the guy is a jealous animal, that needs putting down

  3. He is not injured at all but they keep talking about this issue over and over again!
    What are they really after? A medal?


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