Last week we discussed the possibility of Spurs taking a closer look at Senegal’s 19 year old striker Moussa Konate who had been making such a mark at London 2012. On Saturday, Konate increased his stock even further by scoring in the quarter final against Mexico and it seems inevitable now that there will be more talk of a move to one of the bigger clubs in Europe.

However, anyone who had forgotten that we already had a teenage African striking sensation in our ranks would have been conveniently reminded as 17 year old Souleymane Coulibaly stuck twice as a Spurs XI defeated Northampton Town.

The Ivorian scored twice in six minutes – the first of which was a well-taken striker’s effort while the second was a belter from the edge of the box. His double strike secured a 3-1 win in what was an impressive victory overall.

Coulibaly joined Spurs from Siena just over a year ago and has progressed well on the fringes. If AVB knew little about him then he does now but could the 17 year old cope as the fourth striker? Alternatively, maybe a loan spell is a sound option or perhaps he is happy where he is in Spurs XI games for now.



  1. Someone else said on another forum said he is no where near ready for the 1st team squad……but 100% one for the future.

    If Moussa Konate is ready for the 1st team squad (dont know much about him, a good tournament is just that) then we should go for him. Even if he is 3rd or 4th choice, it looks like a wise investment as he would have re-sale value. The Sun said Stoke were in for 2m, that’s a good price.

    Getting really worried about our striker situation. Anyone remember Man U and City first two games of the season? It cant happen again, JD is not the answer.

    • If Jermain Defoe was playing for man u or man c , people like u would be begging levy to sign him, now he is spurs and u guys say shit,compared to any player left unwisely on the bench I can’t see any one managing 17goals in all competetions, Defoe if giving as much playing time as any striker in the top 5 of any european league will produce more goals than u can imagine … So stop complaining .Have faith

  2. I would like him because we are in a race against time to complete deals for striker at the moment . Coulibly for now I woul keep a 5th choice

  3. The lad is definitely going to be a star. The question of course is how would he cope in the PL? But someone once said if you’re good enough you’re old enough. Wayne Rooney wasn’t too young at 17, though he was built like a brick outhouse.

  4. I like sully, but I think the best thing for him would be the occasional first squad, ride the pine and if we’re 2 or 3 goals to the good try give him 20 odd mins at a full pace match. But nothing more daring than that for this season.

  5. Only got to look at Michael Owen, star at 18, finished at 26/27. The lad has time and should not be rushed. Looks a good prospect, more so than Harry Kane, so we do need option strikers to come in. Less than 2 weeks till K.O and only JD on the team sheet up front. Worrying. Where is this £50m warchest for the new manager (and this was without any Modric deal supposedly) ?

  6. I hope that something will happen once the Olympic football finishes. It’s clear to everyone that at least one new striker is needed and whoever the new striker is he has to be well and truly proven and capable. I’d still have Lorente as my first choice. I hope the club don’t try to do things on the cheap and end up buying a Raziak when we need a Klinsmann.

  7. Owen was never the same after he was injured and had to leave the field in the World cup. That injury finished him as a world class striker.

  8. not bothered too much about the striker situation. I would like to see coulibaly make the odd appearence but not full on just yet. Spurs have Defoe, VDV, Gio and now Bale. Bale scores with both feet and his head. He has electric speed and is fit enough to play a role similar to henry. Henry started as a winger and Bale is very similar. Gio has to get a chance this season he’s a better option than Kane. Kane could also make the grade this year upfront. But that depends on what AVB is looking for? I like the idea AVB is giving youth a look in these friendlies. I reckon Townsend might be given his chance at long last. That would allow Bale to move into the middle. Stirker crisis..wot striker crisis? Bale/VdV, Bale/Gio or Bale, VDV, Gio or just Bale up front look fine to me. It’s just a matter of time before Bale becomes a striker, he’s already wearing the number 9.


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