With Sebastien Bassong’s move to Norwich now finalised, Spurs are looking a little thin at the back even with Michael Dawson in the squad. If Daws does leave then it may be right to assume that there is a plan to bring another senior central defender but the club may be looking at other options too.

Marco Perrotta doesn’t fit the bill as a seasoned centre half – he’s only 18 with a handful of appearances for Pescara behind him but the player’s agent claims that there is interest from Spurs.

It’s true, but not only them, there are other clubs interested in the player,” said Ulisse Savini when asked about Spurs.

“Right now he is looking forward to a season with Pescara in Serie A and he has a contract that ties him to the club until 2016.

“For the future we’ll see.”

If Michael Dawson were to depart, it would leave the club with Vertonghen, Gallas, Kaboul and Caulker in the centre. Maybe AVB feels that a younger back up such as Perrotta is all that’s needed?



  1. I really think thats pleanty to be honest….. we have experience and youth. Dawson will be missed if he goes and to be honest i’d be suprised if he did. AVB does seem to be fonder of more mobile speedy CB’s shame as Daws is a traditional English CB thats a dieing breed.

  2. Deal sorted long ago for Carvalho to join as player/coach once Modric deal complete. Fryers once complete will represent a further option.

  3. I think that Naughton can fill in at centre back in an emergency. All we need is a younger more mobile keeper, (sorry Brad), a creative midfielder and one forward, (just been confirmed that Adebayor has finally sorted out his demands and is about to sign for us permanently).
    Fingers crossed.

  4. I cant believe our fans sitting back letting a young ex Chelsea serial football killer dismantle our team of players who are well liked in the dressing room and by a lot of fans. The young Gun said he has learned is lesson yet he leaves Daws Hudds at Home and Vertonghan benched when Walker was tired from his England duty’s . i would have moved Kaboul to right back Vertoghan Center Half. What this would have done is give us that extra pair of legs at the back and stopped tired 35 year old Gallas from watching Ba lash the ball past 41 year old wandering Friedegg. Getting rid of two players who we have nurtured through bad injuries is utter madness. I for one can see the future and its bleak full of unrest and a big shock sacking at the end Leveys plan is build a team for the new stadium opening in 2016 and stay out of champs till we can fleece 60 thousand fans to pay higher wages. Harry was right we cant live with these teams Chelscum City Arsoles Utd. The AVB plan is to have 17 robots who run around dominate possession run out of steam and get beat. I no 100 percent these tactics wont work in the premiership unless you have Everton’s extra energy levels like the skeleton faced Fellani ? We needed Hudds great passes to save energy and to make sure when our attacker arrive in the box there is not 8 defenders waiting.

    • Yo yo yo davspurs is talking poop yes he is what we guna do you do ra ra ra fantazia ellis dee has got u rocking yes he has and it feels so good its a london ting its a london ting ring a ding ding dong all the rude boy come and sing ur song. How do you stop a gooner from drowning? Take your foot off his head.


    “I no 100 percent these tactics wont work..”

    1. Learn some grammar
    2. Do you have a crystal ball?

    Dawson is limited. Good to have as back up but not as good quality as Kaboul or Vertonghen. Its a long season…leaving Vertonghen out doesn’t mean anything.

    Huddlestone no doubt has a good range of passer and can strike a decent ball but he was two yards off the pace before he got injured!!!

  6. sky news reckon qpr have offered 5.5mil for daws.thats gotta be a joke.think im going on gooners site to take piss out of the muppets.it might cheer me up….

  7. I cannot believe that Spurs are considering selling Michael Dawson – an old fashioned centre half who has given the club one hundred per cent in every game in which he has been involved. He has been a true Spur and I do wonder whether AVB understands Tottenham’s ethos. Anyone who has seen that interview with Arthur Rowe the manager of the push and run team will know what I mean.”Come back, come back oh glittering and white” with apologies to F Scot Fitzgerald.

  8. Exciting times:
    We did OK on Saturday except for one error – Lennon and RVV trying to tackle a great forward.
    Ade in is superb news.
    Dawson and Hudd are very slow and even though they are Spurs favourites we look like building for the future so they may have to go.
    I think we are going to have a very good year, and a great 2014. (Mind you – what was JJ doing in the ground?)

  9. To all you plastic fans slanting Levy for not doing what you (muppets) think is best for SPURS.
    The man has done it again.
    Getting Ade to sign on a permanent basis within our wage structure is a stroke of genious. We get Man. C. to subsidide his wages for 2 years. The man is an absolute wizard.
    And when he reveals Llorente on Friday I will open a bottle of bubbles and toast on a marvelous season for our beloved SPURS.


  10. johnnyboy .. only one mistake? did you watch the first goal when KW totally misjudged a simple header then stood-off and watched in admiration as Ba calmly curled the ball home.

    I hope you are right about the season but “playing well but only drawing or losing” is what we did for most of the 2nd half of last season.

    Good teams win games like the Newcastle game last week – just look at Man U .. everyone looks at them last year and thinks they aren’t a great side yet they only lose the title on goal difference and finish 20pts ahead of us.

    Don’t think AVB has the slightest understanding of this!

  11. p.s. the guys who think we have enough central defenders have a short memory .. think we had 4 out injured at one stage last season and played Arsenal and others in 2nd half of season with Ledley and/or Gallas playing on one good leg each!

    We let too many fringe players go in the January transfer window and ended up with players on the bench who we (or at least I) hadn’t heard of. Consider this – does the team with the “best bench” (i.e. squad depth) invariably win the PL? yes!

    Hasty and crazy decision to let Daws go now – Istillluvking, no-one can argue that Daniel Levy has done a great job at Tottenham, but I think he should have learned from our 2nd half of season demise last season (and the one before) – its all about SQUAD DEPTH.


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