The Hugo Lloris issue is an unwelcome distraction at the moment and while it’s tempting to ignore it, the stories as to who is our number one just won’t go away.

Over the weekend, Brad Friedel stirred those reports as he insisted that he remained AVB’s first choice.

“The fact of the matter is, right now, we have four quality goalkeepers at the football club. Right now I believe the shirt is mine to lose. I believe the manager came out and said that,” Brad stated.

“I think everyone just needs to have open and honest dialogue through the whole thing because at the end of the day what’s best is for Tottenham to get points on the board.”

Meanwhile, Lloris has said in response to suggestions that he will start on the bench. “Obviously it’s never nice, but we’ll see when we return to work on Wednesday.”

That has led to claims of ‘clear the air talks’ and it all begs the question of whether Hugo or his agent thought to ask the question prior to signing.

Meanwhile, Brad also said that it was never easy for a goalkeeper to come straight into the Premier League after joining from overseas – probably the most sensible comment to date.

This one will continue to run but would anyone be surprised to see Friedel between the posts on Sunday?



  1. So ……. nothing better to do than pick up this twisted little shit-stirring story and use to …….. what? Help us make better progress after a bad start? or pull in a few punters so you make on the advertising ………..?

  2. We have to put out 2 keepers against Reading, 1st choice will be Brad with Hugo reserve, if Brad gets injured Hugo takes over, if he plays well enough he keeps the jersey, it not that hard to work out, this is media hype to upset the balance of things, give it a rest and find something else to write about.

  3. Hugo Lloris is a professional. Of course his pride has been
    dented a little, but he is smart enough to know, it’s a
    case of sooner rather than later, that he will be Spurs
    N0.1An all driven people want to prove and improve. That’s
    That’s how the talented get to the top and stay there! If
    anything, I would think privately, he is content enough to
    ease his way in over the next couple of weeks!


  4. For me its got to be Lloris. We’re bloody lucky to get the French no.1 and he shouldn’t expect to sit on the bench more than a game or 2 while he acclimitises. Brad’s been a great keeper since his free from Villa, but exactly how does he fit into avb’s system. Avb wants more than just a shot stopper he needs a active keeper to come off his line and play sweeper. That aint Brad.

  5. Well said dave, it’s all about competition for places. If we did have competition we wouldn’t be moving forward. Deschamps comment might of been taken out of context but he needs to keep quiet anyway as it isn’t his team to comment on. Loris will become our number 1 over time. But for now he needs to knuckle down and watch brad

  6. e9videmment le geste de Henry n’est pas beau, mais ce geste le0 se voit tous les dimanches sur tous les terrnias de foot ! Et l’arbitre qui est seul doit prendre une de9cision rapidement et qu’elle soit bonne ou mauvaise il est rare qu’il revienne sur sa de9cision si rien ne vient contredire son jugement.Qu’a vu l’arbitre hier soir ? Seul lui le sait aussi ne le condamnons pas, car ce n’est pas facile de jouer ce rf4le face e0 22 acteurs qui essaieront de le troubler : plongeon dans les surfaces adverses, cine9ma sur des petites fautes, geste pour demander un carton… (souvenons nous de Cristiano Ronaldo contre l’Angleterre et Rooney).Quant e0 l’exemple des grands, c’est vrai qu’ils sont le0 pour le donner, mais combien de fois j’ai vu et entendu des entraineurs conspuer leurs propres joueurs, meame des benjamins ou des minimes, ou donner des instructions telles que n’he9site pas e0 lui casser une patte (authentique), chaque samedi ou dimanche sur des matchs amateurs ?Chaque match, qu’il soit amateur ou professionnel (et pas que dans le foot) ame8ne son lot d’injustices ou d’actions re9pre9hensibles, alors si la faute de Thierry Henry n’est pas excusable, elle est tre8s fre9quente et Robby Keane en a use9.Cela dit les irlandais me9ritaient largement la qualification hier soir, mais ils l’ont perdue chez eux quand un attaquant n’a pas e9te9 capable de mettre le ballon dans un but vide.S’ils ont le fighting spirit, ils ont aussi un tre8s grand fair play et je ne suis pas sfbr que si le re9sultat avait e9te9 l’inverse, cela eut e9te9 pareil chez nous !


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