Tomorrow’s Capital One Cup tie with Norwich could have given Andre Villas-Boas the perfect opportunity to rotate some of the squad but injuries may hamper his plans once again.

Jermain Defoe is one of the players who may well be in need of a rest but logical replacement Emmanuel Adebayor is now struggling with illness while Moussa Dembele’s persistent hip problem also threatens an early return to the starting line up.

“Mousa Dembele is injured. Adebayor came in sick today and we need to see how he is tomorrow,” said assistant manager Steffen Freund.

“I can’t say at the moment which team will travel but it will be a strong one.”

Injuries happen all the time but the issue with rotating the striker may be the biggest problem – not just for the Norwich game but for the league matches coming up. Some are arguing that JD looks jaded and without Ade standing by, what other options do the club have?



  1. For me, tomorrow night, with big games coming up, I would go with the following.

    Walker, Caulker, Dawson, Naughton
    Huddlestone, Livermore
    Lennon, Siguardsson, Falque

    I know that there are a few changes in there, and some may argue that playing Lennon is a bit of a risk, but we all know how much he in particular, thrives on confidence, and while he’s in great form, I say let him keep going. Falque was impressive in the 2nd half against Maribor, and I think he deserves a start.

  2. I doubt the above team would get a win. If Spurs want to progress in all competitions play the full team (same again Sam)or they will exit from this cup.I think it was Lloris that said he was use to playing three games a week last season.I would only bring in Falque. Let the lads earn their weekly wages.

  3. I think mr bale can manage 2 games in 2 weeks I mean he did get paid 100k whilst watching his teammates pick up a point from 2 games maybe give lennon a rest?

  4. We should use this game to look at caulker right back & see what Dawson & verthongen play as a pair. Back 4 of caulker Dawson verthongen Naughton, if it isn’t working u already have players on pitch to change it without making substitution.
    In midfield if dembele is out it would have to b livermore & sigg with huddlestone in vdv role, I’d give pritchard a start rw with bale lw & Dempsey upfront.
    Lloris, caulker Dawson verthongen naughton, livermore siggurdson, pritchard huddlestone Bale, Dempsey, subs gallas walker sandro lennon townsend Defoe Cudicini,

  5. whilst I think my team above would get a win, I do hear what you’re both saying.
    we missed Bale so much against Chelsea, I wouldn’t risk him in this.
    Vertonghen and Sandro have started pretty much every game, they will need a rest sooner or later, and the further we go in comps, the harder it is to rotate.
    Don’t forget Sandro didn’t even have a summer with the olympic games.
    The last 2 seasons, what has cost us (one of the things at least – in my opinion), is the failure to rotate the players, then come the business end of the season, they were all running on empty – why have a big squad if we don’t utilise it. If we go out the COC, then so be it, we go out, but i would rather that, and have our strongest 11 fit and raring to go come Feb, than win tomorrow night with a full strength side out, and lose in the final meaning players are knackered for the last 10 games of the season, AGAIN

  6. […] Freund promises strong team but injuries still an issue jQuery(document).ready(function($) { postID = 784247; if (jQuery("#jockspin_carousel_"+postID).length > 0){ jQuery("#jockspin_carousel_"+postID).hide(); } });   Tomorrow’s Capital One Cup tie with Norwich could have given Andre Villas-Boas the perfect opportunity to rotate some of the … […]


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