Spurs head coach Andre Villas-Boas does like to shuffle his defence around but it was a great surprise to see Belgian international Jan Vertonghen on the bench prior to the Sunderland match. It’s undoubtedly a busy schedule right now but ultimately there was no harm done as our best defender sat out the 2-1 win at the Stadium of Light.

Vertonghen has been a revelation at Tottenham and his assured performances in the centre, and at left back have led fellow Belgian Moussa Dembele to talk about Jan and the club captaincy.

“His performances earn much respect for him,” Dembele told the Belgian press.

“As we walk down the street our fans come over as say he should be the captain.”

The player himself is cool on the subject and has been more vocal in recent times about his position in the defence. Jan has covered admirably for BAE on the left but sees his future in the centre.

“I prefer centre-back but I want to help the team,” he said.

“It would be good to have Benoit back but not only for that reason as he is one of the best left-backs in the league.”

Jan was quieter on the captaincy issue but would you give him the armband on a long term basis?



  1. He’s ready for it and I do think he would make a good captain but, personally, I would leave it until Kaboom comes back, he would be my number 1 choice as he has allready been at the club a while. Even Jan himself said he is a lot more quiet at Spurs than he was at Ajax purely because he is new and he is starting from the bottom, the way any good pro should approach things when at a new club.I love Jan’s attitude and commitment but unless Kaboul refuses the armband he would be my number 1 choice

  2. The captaincy must be earned. And certainly Verts is a capable, and a Truly SPURS type of loyal player. A WINNER, good Attitude, calm and steady. He will be.

    D only thing We Spurs fans don’t understand is how the thinking in AVB’s head, to put it MILDLY, he has made an EX- Arscenal player, our Captain, when we still have our loyal braveheart Dawson, as current captain. My brain is jammed.

    • Because Gallas has been the most experienced player on the field when he has played. Dawson, sadly, has been a bit part player so far but he’s still club captain and takes the armband whenever he does play

    • You numpty – ‘arry was the first one to give Gallas the armband. Not AVB.
      Personally, I think he deserved it too, he was the only real leader in the team when Ledley was missing.
      I said the day we signed Super Jan he would go on to be captain, that hasn’t changed for me.
      Dawson may have the heart of a lion, but unfortunately, he just isn’t good enough for our starting 11

  3. Simple answer is NO!!!

    The funny thing about Jan is that most Spurs supporters gave him the armband during the transfer wrangle between Ajax and Spurs in the summer, which is all well and good, but it seem that because of that, many of the same supporters are unable to look at his performances objectively.

    Vertonghen hasn’t been the same since the Norwich game in the C1 Cup. Before being rested on the weekend, Vertonghen had played (virtually) every match for Spurs this season, in both domestic and cup comps, and for me its showed.

    He HASN’T been at his rampaging best at left back, giving away the ball with more regularity in recent games. And at CB he HASN’T been as good as many will have you believe, with his positioning and tracking of runners coming into question.

    Due to his lack of experience in the EPL, the fact that he is yet to play at CB consistently for Spurs this term, and his obvious POTENTIAL, I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. But I must say, I saw his poor performance against Aston Villa coming from a mile away.

    Hopefully, the rest will have done him some good. But I think Jan NEEDS to focus on adapting fully to playing in the EPL (at CB) before thinking about the captaincy.

    Hey, I like Jan as much as the next man, and I think long-term he will be a tremendous asset for the club, but I have no favourites, and if someone isn’t performing consistently well in my opinion, I’ll tell ya!


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