The ‘will he, won’t he?’ saga surrounding Emmanuel Adebayor finally came to an end yesterday with confirmation that the Togolese striker would be joining up with his international team mates at this year’s Africa Cup of Nations.

Earlier in the week, it had seemed likely that Ade would travel and it appeared he had the blessing of Spurs’ head coach Andre Villas-Boas.

I’ve told you the player can still go, I understand it is still a possibility,” Andre said.

“It was always his choice, I’m not going to put pressure on him. We’ve left it to the player to decide. If player wants to go, we respect the African Nations Cup.”

However, the striker himself has a different view of the conversation.

“That is what he said to the press, but not what he said to me,” Adebayor told the Togo Football Federation’s website. “There is a difference between what you say to the press and what you say in private.”

Ade is a volatile player as we know and clearly wasn’t happy at being left on the bench in the early part of this season. What happens next might just depend on whether Spurs enter the transfer market this month for a replacement striker – temporary or otherwise.



  1. My gut says Ades ego and stupidity in opening his mouth will be the end of his spurs career. Does he really think AVB and spurs will be happy with his decision to back track on his original decision to play? What does he expect? His manipulation of the situation by going to the press is pure stupidity and will unsettle the team. Im not sure we can afford a big signing now so in effect Ade has singlehanded ly put our champions league top 4 challenge under more pressure than it was already. Leaving us with no plan b for 4 weeks is ridiculous.

  2. get rid of him , never liked him, miisses five chances for every one he scores, always losing the ball and looks disinterested and now he is trying causes trouble in the camp with his mouth – bench him and sell him in the summer -i knew it would be a huge mistake bringing this useless idiot back

  3. How on earth can this kind of thing be tolerated by the club?
    He comes back with little pre season training and as a consequence is patently unfit. Doesn’t show a lot of interest most of the time, then gets stupidly sent off against the Scum. And to cap it all decides to swan off to play for his country. Sell him and then break the bank to at least try and get either Villa or Michua.

  4. Go away ade!!!! Your bad luck. Defoe is off form because you are playing along side of him. Pull yourself together, or your out. You should be replaced by dempsey anyway, because he has actually showed sign of getting goals this season!!! #coys


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