Jermain Defoe is out as we know but it seems that the club have managed to rush Emmanuel Adebayor back from AFCON in time to take JD’s place.

Ade’s inclusion would seem to tie up 10/11ths of the side but the big question once again will be over Lewis Holtby. The German has looked impressive in his two substitute appearances so far and AVB must be tempted to include our new signing in the starting XI.

But where does he go? The obvious answer is for Holtby to take Clint Dempsey’s place and slot in behind Ade in a 4-4-1. However, Andre will also see the American as a vital piece of the side after his recent goal scoring run.

The back five now seem settled after a period of shuffling but will AVB be tempted to bring in Kyle Naughton at the expense of BAE or possibly even Kyle Walker on the right?

In midfield, Bale and Lennon are obvious starters but is there any way that Parker and Dembele could make way?

This is how we think the side will line up with Holtby starting from the bench once again but what’s your view?




  1. Why would you have Dempsey over Holtby….unbelievable really quite unbelievable….the guy is a clone of Defoe and really holds us back, both just shoot, are very selfish, have terrible awareness and average work rate…..the only difference between them is Defoe is more mobile and Dempsey is aerially better.

    Both hold spurs back, because they score, the match of the day fans think they are great….Ade isnt my cup of tea but his movement, holding up link play, passing, technique and team work is vital in making us a better TEAM……..he should be playing with Holtby every week.

    Dempsey and Defoe used an impact subs when we are chasing a game

    • Agree completely. Jermain Defoe is a club legend, but he plays poorly most weeks and fans forgive him for it because of one rare moment of magic.

    • Spot on.
      Ade is a world class player. AVB just needs to get him motivated and stay motivated for the rest of the season. Then 3. place is on……………….


  2. Starting XI – Lloris; Walker, Dawson, Vertonghen, BAE; Lennon, Dembele, Sigurdsson, Bale; Holtby; Adebayor.

    Bench – Friedel; Caulker, Naughton; Parker, Huddlestone; Dempsey, Kane.


    Walker Caulker Dawson THE TONGAN

    PNB Dembele

    AZZA Holtby DEUCE


    Subs: Freidel, Naughton, BAE, Siggy, Huddlestone, Obika, Adebayor

  4. Hugo

    Walker Dawson Jan BAE

    Lennon Parker Holtby Bale


    Only for the simple fact I don’t think Ade is fully committed and dembele used to be a striker and think he could get some goals playing up top. Also all the critisism of Dempsey reminds me of the critism Pianaar got and he scored against us to prove a point this year already ! he’s a good player that has got goals and assists

  5. There’s NO certainty whatsover that ade will start up front. He’s only turning up for training this afternoon (friday) and the match kicks off tommorrow lunchtime! Quite how its taken the laid-back togan so long to show is beyond me.
    Can’t imagine any other of our players pulling that sort of stunt.

  6. Say what you like about Defoe but at least he’s always ready and willing – except when he’s really clobbered of course, even then he carries on playing through the pain barrier.
    I would prefer Holtby to Dempsey too, but with the latter on the bench in case young Holtby can’t keep it up.
    Don’t really know why we didn’t take that 10 mill for Siggy, perhaps we could have avoided all this “who’s playing up front” bollox.
    I mean avb is saying if we dont get CL Gareth if off, which most already knew, then him and levy don’t find a striker in a month of looking thereby increasing that risk big time??? WTF.

  7. I think it is Holtby for Dempsey, at least for this game, due if nothing else to Clint playing 90 minutes midweek in Honduras.

    I’d guess Holtby is slotted out left with Bale playing in the spade behind Adebayor, at least most of the time.


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