Emmanuel Adbeyor’s name is in the headlines again and a story emerging from the Evening Standard suggests that head coach Andre Villas-Boas is ready to offload the Togolese when the summer transfer window arrives.

After some impressive displays while on loan last season, Ade has struggled in this campaign and prior to Sunday’s North London Derby he has found the net just three times in 22 games.

Other stories suggest that AVB will use the transfer fee to renew his pursuit of Leandro Damiao while it’s also suggested that he will look to Portugal and SC Braga’s striker Eder.

It may seem a good move for some supporters but will Adebayor be that easy to offload? He’s starting to gain a reputation for impressing on loan before disappointing when a permanent deal is struck. With that recent scoring record, will there be a queue at the door for Ade’s signature?



  1. Spurs should never have bought Adebayor and it’s not because he is no good but he is the wrong type of striker Spurs so desperately need. Spurs need a player similar to Defoe only bigger and a player that carries a threat in the air as well. We need someone who knows where the goal is and doesn’t keep drifting out wide. I would love to see Leandro Dalmiao join the club because he is the type of striker we need.

  2. I DON’T think we should be so hasty in offloading Ade.

    True he has enjoyed a pretty POOR season SO FAR, this term, but on his day (when he is in good form and EMOTIONALLY invested in the match/ OR THE CAUSE) he is near on unplayable.

    Who remembers Liverpool at home last season, or the 5-1 demolition of Newcastle at home, where the opposition had NO answer for his PACE, POWER and DYNAMIC MOVEMENT?

    Look Ade will NEVER be a world class striker (as he is ONLY a GOOD finisher, at best) but when he is confident and FEELS LOVED, the is no question that he possesses world class ability in every other facet of the game.

    I for one, DO believe Ade IS trying to replicate the form of last year in a Spurs shirt, but his confidence at the moment looks shot to pieces. What the Togolese front-man NEEDS now, is a goal to go in off his backside, ALONG with the UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT of the WHL faithful.

    Its NO coincedence that Ade’ best games come in the matches where he is emotionally charged. We should KNOW this better than most given his OUTSTANDING goalscoring record AGAINST us, for his previous clubs. As supporters WE play a MASSIVE part in the fortunes of the players/teams FORTUNES, as we give them the CONFIDENCE/SENSE OF SECURITY that enables them to go out on the field and play without FEAR.

    Ade HASN’T been afforded this pleasure this year (if EVER), with the media and old perceptions meaning that EVEN his own teams supporters have shown signs of turning on him when the going has got tough.

    This HAS to change if we are EVER to see the RAMPAGING, MARAUDING force of nature we saw last season.

    Yes Adebayor has his ‘faults’, but DON’T we all. What is important is that he wears the colours of OUR BELOVED TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR, and as a result we should all do OUR BEST in HELPING HIM SUCCEED!!!

    After all, isn’t that OUR role as ‘SUPPORTERS’?

    • Pet peeve: it’s unbelievably annoying what you do emphasizing words that way. Everyone understands the meaning of the phrase without you writing it as if it were intended to be read by someone mentally handicapped. Please, write like everyone else. Seriously.

      • well said Hugo, you beat me to it….have commented below. Keep up the good contributions Ramos, but please stop treating us like idiots with your writing style…it sucks!!

  3. imagine that ! Tom Collomosse has been trying to sell Adebayor for us for a while now; along with Bale for that matter. (Interviews on talk sport)It strikes me that these “journalists/pundits” see it within there power hungry and manipulative little remits to assert who will be leaving or coming to our club, as in 99% of these cases, there speculation goes supremely unfounded.

    okay, so I agree that Adebayor is pony, but these shite rags never let up until the damage is done. however as in the case of the : ” Late great Harry Rednapp ” (now floundering in the doldrums of the premier league, soon to be the father of his third relegated side) The likes of tabloids such as this, never have a clue or get it right..

    point being – that our club is not a blurry vision in the looking glass trickery of these wantant illusionists and 2 bob fantasy pedlars but a soundly run and well loved football club, held passionately and unreservedly in the hearts of ‘normal people’, the honourable tottenham fan !!!

    HOw much would we get for Ade thou ??


  4. Ramos 43, while I appreciate your regular comments here and you often make some good points, I’ve got to say that your writing style really annoys me…. sorry. What’s with all the capitalisation? Do you think that the other contributors here are incapable of understanding what you write, or cannot read between the lines? And thus you need to “HIGHLIGHT” your points for us dummies? Also, your continued defence of Adebayor in the face of the facts is quite amusing. But to each his own. COYS!


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