As it was in 2012 so shall it be in 2013 with our Champions League future to be decided over 90 minutes. While we all got behind Wigan last night it never seemed likely that the away side would even take a point from an Arsenal side who are unbeaten since we took the points off them at White Hart Lane a few weeks ago.

Attention has now switched to Newcastle with people looking for positives and negatives ahead of the game. Their boss, Alan Pardew has said that he doesn’t care whether they lose now that the club is safe from relegation. Meanwhile, anyone looking for hope will find that Arsenal’s influential midfielder Mikel Arteta is a major doubt for Sunday’s contest.

The race to the Champions League is the only highlight of a final weekend where the title and relegation places have already been decided so both of these matches will be televised on Sky. There’s still hope but with a new manager at the start of the campaign, how many of us were expecting better than fifth place?



  1. It will not happen. Scum will be 4th (or 3rd) and they deserve it. No unforgivable home losses (Fulham…) or other terrible performances (Liverpool, Wigan, Everton) but a strong run to finish the season. I wouldn’t be surprised if we lose or draw and the scum will win Sunday. Yesterday the scum were lucky, because until the 60th minute Wigan were better, but we have also been lucky a few times (Man City, Southampton). I would immediately swap Bale for two 20-25 million pound strikers (not 30 year old donkeys), a creative midfielder and a a left winger and then maybe we will be able to compete until the end of the season (and not only until February)… Don’t get me wrong, I hope the scum will lose 1-0 in the 94th minute and we will win 5-0 against Sunderland:-)

    • Peter u seem to be forgetting we havent had a penalty at whl for over 2 years. Do u really think we are lucky? arsenal have had alot of luck. an i mean alot. Norwich dodgy pen…….offside theo against united…..ade getting sent off at the emirates…..and if u wont to go back further who can forget fulop giving them a goal to win it and take 3rd……oh and lasagne gate. There is no comparison. lady luck has always favoured arsenal. But we dont need luck…we have belief. Even if we finish 5 th i am confident we will be above arsenal next season. Bottom line is we have the same points now as we did last season. One more win and we are officially an improvement on last season. Personally i think arsenal will draw and spurs will win…..which means arsenal will win and spurs will lose

      • There is a reason why we don’t get those decision in the box. Lennon is our only creative option in the box and they are sometimes occupied getting the ball to somebody else etc. Bale doesn’t spend enough time in the penalty. We need better forwards that cause havoc. Can you name a striker that we have, that just asks to be brought down every time he touches the ball in the penalty area? I thought not. Arsenal have Walcott and even Ox off the bench. I think Arteta has scored more goals off the penalty this year than we have had for the past 4 years!!! Chelsea, geez, those guys have so many guys who can create and get fouled in the box. City as well. United? King of decisions has good players who force action by defenders all the time. Thats why we get no luck, we create nothing to deserve any luck.

  2. I for one was expecting better than 4th when our popular Media friendly Manager Harry was sacked along with Bondy Joe and Clive Allen. We where every other fans fav watch playing some exciting football all under the gaze of a media love in. I will never forget Jim White meeting Harry on Christmas day at the lodge and seeing our players training made me proud. The opposite has happened under AVB he looks like a shy croaky voiced young Manager keeping is interviews simple and friendly and avoiding any in hous sqabbles leaking out. With Harry it was all guns blazing with is now famous open house and most media friendly Harry singing like a canary over every subject on the field and off it. Who could forget what i call the Golden week when Harry won is Rosie case and we beat Newcastle 5-0 in a scintillating attacking frenzy seeing us go 4-0 up before half time. Things suddenly took a turn for the worse in the coming weeks and months ending with Harry and is staff being shown the door by Mr Levey who was under pressure from Family death his Mother and his wife’s illness. Harry made the big mistake of rejecting a contract by Mr Levey when the same Medie who loved Harry threw there full powers of TV the Papers Fans behind Harry for England every week ex players Fans Reporters all had Harry installed we watched like a Rabbit in headlights waiting for the FA to confirm our Manger was there choice the call never came and our ten points disappeared along with the England job. This was when Harry’s run out is lucky media love affair deserted him ans Roy Hodgson got the job he courted in public and this cost him the job a victim of his own popularity with the Murdocs empire. This season has been very different off the field and on it with a knew Manager and is staff and a few new players. The one place there has been no changes except under 19 England coach Ramsey joining our under 21 set up. This set up run by last seasons staff Sherwood and Ferdinand Ramsey our under 21 have been a revelation scoring for fun with some exciting youngsters and in my opinion in the same style has Harry’s team last season. Our first team have huffed and puffed there way through a season of ups and downs injuries and player in or out debates with the Goalkeeping one being the most debated one. We now face a 90 odd min shoot out for top four thats not in our hands and over the last four games resulted in Chelsea then Wigan taking four points away from us resulting in Arsenal once again leapfrogging usin to 5th not good enough to keep our best players in fans eyes. So to sum up where we are at the top table with the style but no money to buy the expensive food. We can go two ways spend Money we cant afford or buld again like we did with Bales Lennons Hudds Daws and watch our team grow into a great young team with a new Stadium and training complex and sadly sell our main asset to fund our next batch like Southamptons Luke Young Palace Williams and our own Coulibaly Cebalos Pritchard McVoy Townsend others. The verdict not a good end but one if we are Honest even Harry would have struggled to overhaul Chelsea and Arsenal who invested in a lot of players and both had experience Managers in Benitez and Wenger . Our Manager AVB now noes what its like after January when points are harder to win and energy doubles in the desperate, Coys

    • wow – long summary of a sucky situation. i am numb to heartache these days. there was a time where i wish for more, but i know better now. i have met too many good arsenal boys to hate them, don’t we all have one for a neighbor? been to the new training grounds, and love it, its a great start. but i have to admit, the Emirates is pretty modern and arsenal’s training ground is as good or better than ours. so i am done comparing Spurs with Arsenal. No point, we lose every time. i just want to enjoy a trophy every 5-10 years. i wish we could qualify for CL every year. as far as i’m concerned, thats better than the FA Cup and League Cup. honest is all. I’m glad they don’t hand out participation ribbons for that, or we would be even further behind our rivals. europe don’t respect Tottenham, and today… i’m ok with that now. its not worth it. life should be about more.

    • Davspurs get a life mate you are boring nobody wants your opinion on melted wax face redknapp or Andre villas bellend

  3. I was hoping for 4th too at the start of this season and its still so frustrating that we didn’t add to our strikeforce in January, at a point when we were well in position to strike 3rd. Look at the goal differences of Chelsea & Arse – look at the number of pens we’ve had compared to them too (none!!). Given the way this season’s unfolded though, I take my hat off to AVB, he’s done fantastically well with what he’s had and he has moved the team on from Harry. Sure I liked Harry when he was in charge, but my faith in him went that day at the Emirates when we conceded the first of 5 goals, after being 2-0 up. He was like a rabbit in the headlights and didn’t have a clue how to stop the collapse. With AVB, we’ve deployed different tactics, players have been sensibly rotated and that’s all after losing Ledley, Modric, VDV, Kaboul and Sandro (for half the campaign)!!! Whether we make the CL or not, based on our current squad we should only need 4 new signings to make us legitimate top 3 contenders – a winger, a box to box midfielder and 2 quality forwards.

    I would move on the likes of Gomes, Gallas, Huddlestone, Bentley, Livermore, Parker and Adebayor, then bring Rose, Fryers, Townsend and Coulbilay into the first team squad. Winger: Diego Capel/Salah
    Midfielder: Moutinho/ Erikssen/
    Forwards: Negredo/Soldado/Damio/Michu/Dzeko

    4th or 5th come Sunday should make no difference to our plans for next season so COYS!!!!!

    • I think the best we can look forward to is Michu or Benteke. Lets be honest with ourselves here. Then we can imagine if that will be good enough to overtake Chelsea or Arsenal. Still might not be good enough.

  4. Take the 9/4 Corals are offering against Spurs finishing top 4.
    They will beat Sunderland 1-0 and Mertesacker will head into his own goal in added time. It’s gonna be a madhouse at the lane.
    Be lucky.

  5. I’m pretty upset we didn’t add more than Holtby, a player we could use, but didn’t really NEED. I like him however, Arsenal lose a LB and they go and get a Spanish international at that. I can’t trust in Levy, it seems like nobody cares to deal with him because he’s such a cheapskate. It all depends on this weekend for me. I am not going to say I would be happy no matter, because the truth is, it sucks to be 5th. We as a club can’t afford to be 5th. Chelsea, City and Arsenal can afford to be 5th, they will still invest and get better. We can’t so we need to win this weekend, and pray for Newcastle to do something. Anything!

  6. Newcastle are too weak and pathetic to give the Arse any problems. Pardew spoke his mind when he said he couldn’t care less if they lose 4 – 0 on Saturday. He should be fired regardless if the result. However we lost Champions League qualification ourselves, with results like the home defeat by Fulham. Our so called forwards let us down tine and again, just like last year and the year before that and the year be…..


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