While it’s always been preferable to ignore the stories surrounding Gareth Bale, those of us who still believed that the Welshman would be supplying Roberto Soldado while bursting the back of the net this season had still held on to a shred of hope that the winger would stay.

However, if you are in that position then those hopes have been dashed by Andre Villas-Boas’ admission that the sale of Bale would happen ‘very soon’.

“It could happen very, very soon,” said Villas-Boas. “It’s a dream move for him. This can happen in a different way … Tottenham will accept most likely the biggest transfer in world football.”

AVB also revealed that the club may still fine the player in the wake of his absence from training.

“He is involved in a big transfer move to Real Madrid and in the end if it happens, we wish him all the best, but the fact that he hasn’t turned up is not the correct behaviour,” added Villas-Boas. “That is the position they chose to take and it’s up to the club to decide if it’s a fineable offence.”

So that really is that and we can only hope now that it’s done quickly and we can just get on with the football.



  1. Good luck to Bale. He will probably be the most expensive player in the world when any deal goes through.

    I believe he is the greatest player to turn out for THFC. In six seasons he has gone from being a lightweight left back who was good going forward and with set pieces to a truly world class attacking player who was at times unstoppable and unplayable.

    Some in their bitterness will overlook his greatness but make no mistake; Bale is THFC’s best ever player.

    A new team has been built with the transfer fee and let us hope that the new team pushes THFC into the next stage of transformation.

  2. Gutted but good luck to him. and well done Levy for extracting every penny from the Spanish economy, sorry Real Madrid. – now lets crack on and smash up the Woolwich on Sunday. COYS

  3. Bale reactions are wrong! to not turn up for training fine him ? It will do nothing. I say tell him if he is not training within the hour then there will be no transfer to real and you will stay and rot in the reserves that will get him in. why do these clubs not grow some balls and put there foot down clubs have all the power they need 3 years left on his contract let him miss his dream move for acting like a child

  4. get the eriksen and lamela deals done NOW and the club ,,the fans and the players can move on and forget the little spoilt brat,,,

  5. No hard feelings towards Bale.
    He has done a tremendous job for SPURS.
    He is one of those talents who come by once in a lifetime at a Club like ours. Well spotted back then. Remember we took a ‘gamble’ paying 10m for a youngster.
    Now Levy has done a fantastic job spending the money before the opposition clubs knew what we had in our coffin.
    Hats off to Levy and the rest of the guys.
    Maybe the good MR. Lewis has put out a safety net……….
    Just a thought.



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