While plenty of attention has surrounded Tom Carroll in the last seven days, another young Spurs midfielder continues his round of loan clubs as he looks to make his mark in the game. At 22, Ryan Mason is a year older than Carroll but hasn’t nearly made the same impact during his time with Tottenham and his current spell with Swindon Town may ultimately decide his future at White Hart Lane.

It’s certainly been a stunning start to his time at the County Ground after the midfielder scored a hat trick in the game with Crewe and Ryan is looking to maintain that form after a frustrating start to the campaign.

“It’s a big season for me, massive, I know that to be fair, in all my previous loans apart from Yeovil I’ve ended up playing out of position and being in and out of the team,” Mason told Tottenham’s official website.

“This time, I’m hoping to get 30 or 40 games in my position and off the back of that, score goals. It’s much easier to shine in a team like this, with the players here who all want to get the ball down and play.

“I had one 90-minute game before I went into the first match against Peterborough, felt my hamstring and then it blew up on me on the Tuesday when we played Torquay. I was devastated at the time but thankfully I was only out for a couple of weeks. It was great to get back.”

After four senior appearances for Spurs, this is the player’s fifth loan spell but will Ryan Mason ever make an impact at Tottenham or is a more likely outcome going to be similar to that of Massimo Luongo who joined Swindon on a permanent basis last month?



  1. Sums up the difficulty Spurs youngsters have in breaking into the first team.

    Neither AVB or Redknapp are willing to give young players a chance, unless they have gained loads of premiership experience first.

    Why was Carroll loaned to the championship? Will AVB then insist on loaning him again next season to a premiership team?

    He should be playing for Spurs first team already.

    Spurs need a manager who is willing to develop young players and who appreciates the entertaining football that Spurs fans expect to see.

    • It’s simple:

      Arsene Wenger.

      He’s still not signing contract extension while it’ll run out next summer. PSG and Real Madrid was very keen to bring him.

    • Arsene is the main reason Ozil choose Arsenal over PSG. He is also the main reason why Higuain choose Napoli instead of Arsenal. Because his father – his agent – found out that Wenger’s future in Arsenal were yet been decided, and thus he believe that he will be good developed under Wenger’s guidance, the same that happened to Fabregas since he play his first team in 16 years old.

      Arsene is widely known by entire football world who is daring to give ‘potential’ young players their shot in big games, such as Wilshere when Arsenal was facing Barcelona back in 2009, and he was MOTM in Emirates that day.

      He’s a world class manager. It’s not that I’m a gunner, but since Ferguson, Jupp Heynckes, Mourinho, Joachim Loew, Klopp, and even your AVB admitted that.

  2. I thought the loaning of Carroll to a championship team made perfect sense. It’s all well good playing neat and tidy football for a handful of U21 games and a few Cameos in the 1st team. He needs to strength resistance over the course of a long season. Technically he his there but he is not man enough yet. A season in the championship playing week in week out will do the lad no harm. Then yes why not loan him out next season to a lower prem club. It’s called development and he still needs it.


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