As soon as Erik Lamela comes back into the Spurs squad, the speculation over his future and a possible move back to Serie A will start up one again. The 22 year old is said to have returned to training after a long term back injury that has kept him out of the side since the end of 2013 even though there is no official word from the club as yet.

The silence over Lamela is similar to that surrounding Alan Hutton a few years’ back and while there may be nothing sinister in it, it could conceivably be another clue to suggest that the Argentinean will be out of the White Hart Lane door after the World Cup.

In the meantime however, assuming he doesn’t feature in Thursday’s Europa League tie with Benfica, Erik Lamela has eight games left to prove he has a future at Spurs under either the current or an incoming coach. What do you think the outcome will be?



  1. What makes you think he’ll be back for the premier league? I don’t think he’ll be back until the last few games (if at all) he’s only just skewness signs of training again and it’s not with the team its more rehabilitation

  2. I think a lot of teams would like us to get rid of him,because hes going to tear a few of them to pieces soon.I recall a time when we couldnt win with Bale in the side,look what happened there.Coys

  3. Bale is a good comparison. Lamela is only 22 years old and will need time to adapt and get some regular playing time. Patience is the key. We should be more concerned about our defence. Caulker’s sale was a disaster for us. We should try and buy him back when Cardiff are relegated. Buy a left back, get rid off the stars who consistantly under perforn Lennon, Walker, Rose. Kaboul is too often injured sell him if you can. It is time to be ruthless. Keep Naughton Fryers is improving and we have some excellent players coming through the U21’s. We might see some on Thursday

    • We can’t sell Younis as he is out of contract at the end of the season; Fryers has been consistently poor. He is 21 and cannot control or pass the ball to a standard that is a pre-requisite to becoming a decent footballer. Walker has spells where he is superb – struggling to think who we could replace him with. Agree re Caulker and think there is a fair chance we will buy him back. I understand Caulker’s decision, but a years loan should have been agreed.

  4. your assuming he’ll be back on sunday. Nobody has said this. If he gets back at all he’ll probably only play once or twice, not eight times.

  5. Think lamella will come good we should keep him but we need a major clearout to much deadwood dawson rose naughton holtby capoure just not good enough.

    Need a left back why not ashley cole good steady player horrible bloke yes but will do a job micah richards will be available as well could do worse than sign these two.

    • Holtby is good enough in a deep midfield role give him a chance, all he Needs around him is runners and movement, you don’t become u21 captain of the German team full of superstars, wake up we got good players here but not the balance and the system, get rid of the players that are not technically sound like naughton,Lennon,Dawson,rose.

  6. Sorry what silence? Sherwood has spoken about him and the press are reporting on his return to training so what do you want? Levy to come out and say he’s not for sale. Sherwood to say we are going to build a team around him. You state Lamela has 8 games to prove he has a future. Why bother to write such nonsense. He may not be fit to play in any of them; he may not be selected to play in any of them. What a waste of ink

  7. He wont be back this season, he will miss out on argentina squad, he’ll come back for pre season with super human strength and sweating confidence, bang in a hat trick on the opening day of the season then tear his ACL and be out for the season

  8. Sorry but i think this is a ridiculous article. Why would we sell him after a season which has never actually got going because of injury. How can he be judged by ourselves or the club so far ? I don’t understand the comparison with Hutton either. 1 was an experienced player and a shit right back. The other is a youngster in a foreign country, who happens to have massive potential and is also our club record signing. The only comparison is neither can speak english !!

  9. Lets support his comeback whenever it will be? I suspect maybe a late substitute in last two games of the season.. he us gonna be awesome next season so lets support him and soldado and eriksen. They are great player that with our supprt can achieve great spurs seasons…

  10. couldent agree more the boy has only played a handful of games and people saying wow only scored one goal shit give the boy a go if he wants to stay that is he has obvious class on the ball which seems to be lacking in some of our players next year we might be hailing the new bale come on you spurs


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