Earlier in the week we asked your opinion on Paulinho after his first season in English football and while the response was mixed, most of you weren’t convinced by the player. For those who were positive about the Brazilian’s contribution and for those who believe he needs another season you would have been pleased to read that the midfielder intends to stay at the club.

Earlier in the campaign, Paulinho suggested he was unhappy about squad rotation but when speaking to FourFourTwo, he insisted there was no problem.

“I don’t have any problem. If you take a look, I was on the field in more than half of the games if you consider the Europa League and the cups,” he said.

“There’s no big issue with this, but a footballer always wants to be playing, never resting. We Brazilians are like this.”

The player was then asked if he regretted his move,

“Absolutely not. I know how to handle my career and it’ll take more than just one bad moment before I reconsider my options.

“We have all got responsibilities at Tottenham and we are ready to go through this.”

Talks of a £25m plus move to Chelsea always seemed a little fanciful but this is a clearer indication of Paulinho’s intentions for 2014-15. Whether the new Head Coach wants the Brazilian in the squad is another issue.



  1. Very bad news for Spurs.

    Need to sell Paulinho in the summer. He creates nothing and is the main reason why the strikers have been starved of goal scoring opportunities.

  2. He is not a typical Brazilian footballer. He has no skill and doesn’t know how to shoot, dribble or pass.

    Spurs were foolish to buy him and would be even more stupid to keep him.

  3. Of course Paulinho is happy to stay, because he gets a huge wage for being there. On the pitch he contributes very little and doesn’t deserve to be paid it.

  4. 25m? sell. otherwise, i think he’s worth another season in white. he’s not bad, but not completely technical enough for me. in other news… i hope we can celebrate an FA Cup too. that would be kinda nice.

      • I know we’re close to top 4. But I think winning a cup might actually be easier. Especially the league cup. Sporting is about winning trophies, not everything should be about money.


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