If you haven’t seen the transcript of the recent Ossie Ardiles interview then it’s certainly worth taking a look at our former midfielder’s comments in relation to Mauricio Pochettino. Ossie spoke openly to the Hertfordshire Mercury and was very positive about his fellow Argentine’s appointment.

“Pochettino understands the football that is very close to Tottenham historically,” Ardiles said.

“He doesn’t want to speculate, he wants to go forward and put a lot of pressure on the opposing team.

“He likes his teams to keep the ball as much as possible while going forward all the time.”

Ossie was also asked about specific players in the squad and he felt that Pochettino’s arrival could be of huge benefit to Roberto Soldado and Erik Lamela in particular.

“I think this will be a very exciting season this time. The number one job he has is to make everybody play to their potential,” he added.

“There were a lot of players last season that weren’t, like Lamela and Soldado and so on. If all these guys can play to their potential then it will be a very interesting time.”

So if Ossie is right we can look forward to an attacking and entertaining campaign under the new head coach but will Mauricio bring the best out of Lamela and Soldado as Ardiles predicts?





  1. The jury is still out, he managed Espanyol and got them relegated and then he’s managed 4 England internationals, let’s not get carried away, everyone is saying the sun shines out his arse, but just remember the same words were spoken about AVB……COYS

    • No one was saying that when avb was appointed. If you look at what he did for espanyol prior to relegation, with no budget is pretty decent.

  2. Ponchi at the moment is an unknown quantity. He may have done wonders at Southampton but he was under hardly any pressure there as compared to what he will be facing at Spurs. At Southampton he was coaching a bunch of young, unknown players who hung on every word he said. At Spurs he will be facing a group of egoistic, self-centered individuals who think they are there to liberate the club. I think he’s in for a tough season. Forget the top 4!

  3. Ray you rude idiot . If you have nothing constructive to say then fuck off! I agree with Glen. Spurs players are mappers.

  4. I believe Lamela will be a star at tottenham. But Soldado has shown nothing to suggest he is good enough, or suited to the premier league. Trust me, even at his best he can’t measure up to Adebayor this season and Adebayor wasn’t even at his peak. Would more than Happy to see him leave and Remy, who has the physical attributes to be a success in the PL replace him. And likely he’ll cost a lot less in transfer fee and wages too! I’m not willing to go by reputation because what I’ve seen of Soldado wouldn’t frighten any half decent defender in the slightest!

    • Soldado hasnt had enough game time, been given the support up front that he requires. We have no one to whip the ball in or produce a decent cross. Hes a good finisher and will prove it..coys I do agree remy is a good addition though and at a good price.


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