Unless you want to get involved in the row over Emmanuel Adebayor, the press is dominated by Jurgen Klinsmann’s comments over Tottenham head coach Mauricio Pochettino. With Daniel Levy renowned for his itchy trigger finger, our current manager is shortening all the time in the Sack Race betting but our former striker has insisted that the Argentinian needs more time.

“I wish Mauricio only the best,” Klinsmann said.

“He’s a tremendous, talented coach. He’s shown that already. He’s got a smart brain.

“In order for Mauricio to put his stamp on Spurs he needs time. He also needs a couple of transfer windows to build the team he has in mind, to put the puzzle together that he envisions.

“Unfortunately, professional football is driven by short-term results and high media expectations and high fan expectations and that often drives clubs to make very quick decisions because they’ve lost five games in a row.”

Critics would counter that and argue that Pochettino has already overseen one transfer window that hasn’t brought in any outstanding talent. Then again, is he really getting the men that he wants?

That last question is crucial – Poch may stay for two more windows at least but if he’s after Musacchios and gets Fazios, is there really any point?




  1. The next 2 transfer windows are going to be a big yawn( like watching the team play) for Spurs fans.For a decent player joining, he either must want to play for a team he believes in and that has a future and/or be paid over the odds-2 highly unlikely scenarios. As regard sales, other than Lloris, can’t see anyone wanting to buy any of our players even on a free transfer,hence 2 windows of no activity in prospect.


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