The Telegraph have reported that West Brom have agreed a fee of £5m with Spurs to sign Federico Fazio.

Fazio struggled to adapt to Mauricio Pochettino’s high defensive line and saw himself become the fifth choice central defender this season as reinforcements were brought in. Here’s how Twitter reacted to the deal.



  1. Another one of MP’s last season’s purchases that would be sold after Stambouli.Is this guy some sort of a joke,trades players year in year out for fun? How many of this year’s purchases will be gone next summer.The man is out of his depth,completely lost, a liability and a joke….

    • Absolute nonsense. Both Stambouli and Fazio were Levy’s bargain basement alternatives to Poch’s first choices of Schneiderlin and Musacchio. This season is the first one in which Poch has been allowed to buy his own players for Spurs and Alderweireld, Trippier, Wimmer and N’Jie are a good start on that front. More to come as well – in the mould of Berahino. Looks good to me.
      Look at his Southampton business as well – Wanyama and Lovren. I’d hardly call those signings a joke.

    • Just love these people who blame everybody except Levy !! The buck stops at the top, Levy was told to get Mousachio, instead he got a much cheaper option to the one wanted by his manager, as usual. Levy = time waster.

      • your right levy has to stick his nose in everything clubs been going downhill since he sacked redknapp our best manager since david pleat just wish eric would sell the club and he would fuck off

    • could not agree more the bloke is a total clown dont know what he is trying to do here playing style wise the football is boring no width gone by xmas if we are outside the top 6

  2. MP was a cheap and cheerful appointment to keep us morons occupied for another few seasons by Levy .It’s definitely proving to be that way.MP is no different than AVB in terms of footballing mentality .Exactly the same style of football and formation in fact AVB probably could handle bigger egos in his dressing room than MP anytime.MP achieved nothing as a manager and will achieve nothing in the next 25 years other than building up a nice bank balance on clubs like Spurs’s expense. In fact Mark Hughes ‘s of this world have much more to offer than MP anytime and Mark Hughes and alike are nothing but just a bunch of run of the mill standard managers.To achieve great things in football you need the adequate staff .Levy only cares about making money for his own boss and hasn’t got a clue.MP is disassemling a very very good squad of players and bringing in nothing but kids.Kids won’t achieve nothing without older heads.Sooner MP and Levy both f..k off out of this club the better.

    • You are spot on. This manager will stick with ‘kids’ because he has not the experience or nouse to deal with ‘marque ‘signings who would very likely have little respect for a manager with nil on his cv.

      • Marquee signings? Saldano and Lamela – £56M between them, were given ample opportunity ti show what they were worth, must be a mental thing, Adey has done this with a number of more vaunted managers over the years, where he has just given up. MP is well within his rights to bring in younger players who want to fight for the cause and if we are saving money in the meantime then all well and good. We have a number of young existing players – Caroll, Prithcard. Alli, Wimmer, Tripper, Meljovic that can step up, If we can add Berehino and a quality defensive midfielder then it is a platform for better things

  3. I’d hardly call the players that came in Poch’s choices so I don’t know why you are blaming him for them and what happened to them. The players that came in stinks of Levy and his mate Baldini. You know Levy thinks he is a great judge of a player but as far as I’m concerned he has done one really great piece of business and that was Van der Vaart…the buying of him not the selling. I sometime wonder at Spurs if we have any transfer strategy at all because hardly any of what goes on makes sense. We never usually buy strikers as we waited so long when Berbatov left us and what we did buy was never a main striker. I think Levy has a phobia against them or could it be the money a decent one costs and he cannot face opening that wallet. Lets face it Spurs transfer policy in the past plus always selling our top players and replacing them with inferior players is a total joke yet we still think we will make top four every season when really it’s impossible.

    • Levy has stated that he knows little about football. Every player that has joined or left Spurs has done so because the manager has agreed, the manager always has the yes or no. Sherwood refused Berbatov even though he would have been a great help to Kane, Sherwoid said no and he didn’t come.

  4. To all the impatient people, how are we supposed to anything if all we do is complain. We have a terrible record or 11 managers in the shortest period of time. That means we are impatient, we need to give the manager support, he isn’t making 45m purchases on one player, or even paying player 350k a week. He is sticking to the budget and moulding a team that did well last season. We are a big club, but we are not real madrid or else we would still have bale and modric. We are not man utd or else we would still have carrick and berbartov. We are not chelsea or we would have signed hazard and willian. Southhampton’s manager isn’t on fire like when Mp left him a great squad. Ready firing on all cylinders. We will improve a season at a time..

  5. Lets all be honest with each other was Fazio ever going to be a great player, a tottenham player or even a great premiership player … He’s slow , he’s scared to put his foot in and for a guy his size very rarely wins the key headers in the box. Why in the world pay £9 mln for him and get rid of Dawson who loved Tottenham

    • Have you not seen the stats? He won pretty much every header he went for, you numpty—when he got the chance to play. Unlike Vertonghen, who frequently misses headers and bottles out of tackles. Fazio just needed more time to adapt to the English game. He’s three times better than the lumbering Dawson, who we put up with for years, and shouldn’t be sold. It’s not like we’ve got that many good CBs ahead of him, and what happens if a couple get injured?

  6. Last game with Stoke showed that taller or those tall defenders who can out jump strikers are a good asset. A cross came in n Spurs didnt attack d cross..n we lost 2 points.
    That said..we will learn when d new defence kill of those crosses ‘ before ‘ they r made…as much as possible.
    To me Fazio has done reasonably well n when he plays he is v committed.
    D best to you Fazio.

  7. Fazio is the same as Dawson was, may as well have a plank of 2 x 4 standing there, same impact – too slow and gets turned on a coin – Get rid

  8. Where is this Poch is going to be sacked rubbish coming from?

    He finished 5th and got to a cup final in his first year, thats pretty good with a team (again) in transition. Spurs have (unlike the Cockneys) have to spend £400M on a new stadium, which takes us out of the clubs looking at players costing £30M plus until we start getting the extra revenue from the new stadium.

    We are getting rid of a lot of the waste, a couple brought in by Poch (Fazio and Stambouli) but most were there before he arrived, and he is bringing in young hungry players who will also bring the wage bill down.

    It may take some time, but I like the pressing style, with young fit, fast players being brought in, it will start to work, give him sore time for cHrists sake, some stability is vital at Spurs. Who woule be the alternative? bringing Harry back??

  9. We are what we are a 5/6th place club but its the style of play or lack of it that pisses me off last season was some of the worst football ive seen since terry neil was in charge very hard to stomach at times really struggling to see what poch is trying to do ?.

    • So what is the answer then? It is much published the fact that we have had 11 managers in the time when Arse have had one. We need stability, embrace the youth policy and enure there is a deep team spirit. The ego`s can go, they havent contributed anyway and pay (less of) the money to someone who is desperate to play for Spurs


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