You’d think fans would learn. There are many players that Spurs have ‘nearly’ signed over the years. Glenn Hoddle has probably still got that letter from Rivaldo…

So with that in mind supporters should never count their chickens when it comes to a signing until it’s officially announced by the club.

Of course it’s difficult to not get carried away and put potential new signings into your potential XI for the season, but you should write them in pencil rather than ink.

Above all, don’t spend any money celebrating a signing when we have a chairman who is a complete tightwad. Someone should have spelled this message to this poor lad who got a bit carried away when he bought his new shirt.




  1. Levy didn’t do enough, he could have paid the asking price for Berahino the man scores goals knows the premier league and would have cost a lot less than other strikers from abroad. I think he would have made the difference this season to getting into the top four.Another 3 mil was all Levy needed to pay out let’s face it that’s peanuts in the current market.We all know how mean Levy is and it will cost us dearly!!


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