
A report from the website claims that Tottenham have the fifth most valuable squad in world football.

The site maintains a league table of the most valuable squads from across the globe and the signing of Tanguy Ndombele has seen Spurs move up to fifth place, with the market price of the club’s squad currently estimated at £852.30m.

While it’s true that the source of this information is an arbitrary one, with many players either undervalued or overvalued by the site in comparison to their true worth, it’s an indication as to where the club is headed. Tottenham’s squad is rated as being more valuable than those of big spending PSG (6th) and Chelsea (8th). They are also now well ahead of established European super powers such as Juventus (9th), Manchester United (10th) and Bayern Munich (11th). Arsenal are now down to 14th.

Of the four clubs currently ahead of Spurs, three are estimated to have squads worth over a billion pounds, with fourth placed Liverpool only just outside that valuation at £980.10m. Barcelona are third on £1.04bn, with Manchester City second on £1.14bn and Real Madrid top at £1.15bn.

It is perhaps optimistic to believe that Tottenham could break into this elite group of clubs this summer, but the intent shown with the signing of Ndombele indicates that such heady times could be a reality within a couple of years.

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  1. What is the true worth of a player? IMHO, pretty much ALL players are vastly overrated in terms of “cost”. Sessgnon for 45M? Give me a break. Don’t sign Sessegnon and keep Rose. Maybe try for Digne.

  2. Although if you take into account how much this nearly billion pound team cost to put together compared to the teams above ours, that would be interesting to see, I know one thing we would be top of that list. Well done Levy, Pochettino and the players themselves. COYS!

  3. isn’t Digne 6 years older than Sessegnon? At 19 Sesegnon has time to develop under Poche, if Digne headed our way hed have to hit the ground running Sesegnon is for the future Rose is one of our most influential players on his day so he should stay.


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