
Tottenham have agreed to sign England goalkeeper Joe Hart, according to reports.

The surprising news came on Monday morning when a number of reliable journalists relayed it on Twitter.

The Telegraph’s Mike McGrath first mentioned it before the London Evening Standard’s Dan Kilpatrick said the same thing.

And a little later, the very reliable Frabrizio Romano revealed Hart’s move to Spurs is close to being announced.

Hart was England’s number one for many years before falling out of favour at Manchester City and subsequently losing his place in the Three Lions team.

He has since played for Torino, West Ham United and Burnley but left the latter at the end of his contract in June.

Though joining Tottenham might come as a shock, it makes sense for both player and club.

The 33-year-old would likely struggle to be a No.1 at another Premier League club, so being a backup goalkeeper at Spurs and making use of their excellent training facilities is arguably a better way to spend the end of his career.

As for Tottenham, they will be increasing their homegrown quota with the acquisition of another Englishman.



  1. Wow; can’t contain my joy.
    Chelsea buying up the biggest and best names, and we getting a 33 year old has been.
    Says it all doesn’t it.

  2. Could be worse I guess . A top goalkeeper for nothing, Levy will be in seventh heaven
    Actually my New Zealand mate is quite good and Covid free


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