Our Harry has been quite forthright in his opinions regarding our players going out on the lash. He doesn’t want to see the Ledley behind bars for the night and Bentley driving into lamp posts. Fair enough. I’d feel the same if I was their manager.

However, as a fan it would be a bit hypocritical of me to condemn our players for having a drink, due to the fact that I generally sink several both before and after the game. I know they’re highly paid athletes blah, blah, blah… but I don’t begrudge them having a drink at the right time, as long as the players involved have the wherewithal to stay out of trouble (such as crashing your car Mr Bentley).

So it was with amusement rather than outrage that I viewed the photos of Crouch and Woodgate ‘celebrating’ after our win over Portsmouth. I love the fact that Crouchie looks like he’s wet himself.

Who would have thought that there's someone out there worse at dancing than Peter Crouch?
Who would have thought that there's someone out there that's worse at dancing than Peter Crouch?


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