Unlike the other Tottenham Transfer Target Guides that I’ve written, there’s really no need for introductions here. We all know Joe Cole and what a quality player he can be. The question is simply, would he come to Spurs?

He might… Maybe… But there are so many ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ that can be applied to Joe Cole’s situation, even if the papers are reporting that we’re now the favourites for his signature.

It seems pretty clear that Chelsea aren’t going to offer Joe Cole the six-figure sum a week that he’s requested. I can’t imagine us offering him that much either. Manchester City would and United might, so it all comes down to whether Cole is thinking about the money, or whether other factors will come into play.

If it’s the money then he definitely heads north and if he were to join United, then it would be a pretty smart football decision also. However, Cole is a London boy who’s never played outside the capital, so that could be a consideration. His wife has a modeling and tv ‘career’ and with the showbiz world being rather London-centric, she might not fancy a life of eating meat and potato pies while watching Rugby League.

Were it to be a straight decision between Chelsea and Tottenham (though there have also been murmurings about Arsenal being interested) then I suppose it comes down to who would make Joe Cole feel the most wanted.

Ancelotti doesn’t appear to be Cole’s biggest fan, but he is loved by Chelsea’s supporters (the ones that can bother to make a noise and aren’t Japanese tourists). He’s been at the club a long time and obviously feels at home there, yet Cole surely can’t have missed the fact that his career has stagnated somewhat. If he misses the cut for the World Cup, then it might be the kick up the backside he needs to move to pastures new.

Harry would give Cole the love and support he’s been missing at Chelsea. He’s made some well-timed comments in the media recently, about how Cole was the best young player he’s ever worked with. The inference was clear: Joe Cole has never quite fulfilled his massive potential. Come to Spurs where Uncle Harry appreciates you for what you really are.

Cole has spent most of his Chelsea career out on the flanks, when his talents would be better served as a second striker, or as an attacking midfield playmaker. Now we also have the same dilemma with Luka Modric, but with European football at the Lane and a possible change of formation next season, both men could get their time in the middle. These two are good enough to even alternate positions during a game. Harry should get watching those videos of Holland’s Total Football.

Joe Cole might seem like an unnecessary luxury when we’ve got the similar Modric and Kranjcar, but to paraphrase Danny Blanchflower, “it’s the bad players that are a luxury”.

There aren’t too many bad players at Spurs these days, but our squad would definitely be strengthened by the signing of Cole. He’s a very versatile player and it would make economic sense also. Cole could be signed on a free, allowing us to perhaps move the likes of Jenas and Bentley on.

The Verdict: Yes please. Though I’ve a sneaking suspicion that all this talk of a move might come to nothing and he might sign a new contract at Chelsea. That would be a shame, because they have never really got the absolute best from Cole and that would be a sight well worth watching.



  1. My view is very simple I don’t think we should sell him to west ham considering it was only last year when old management said they didn’t want to do business with spurs old any other London club we should sell him to blackpool or loan him too them

  2. Where would Cole fit in anyway, Modric, Bale and Kranjar all occupie the left hand side positions would he play in the middle of the park but theres already Pal, Hudd and Sandro.

    • He has tended to play on the right for Chelsea. So he can really play on either flank or in the middle, either in midfield or behind the striker.

  3. If he is leaving Chelsea because of salary limits he certainly won’t come to Spurs.
    Somewhere in Manchester is more likely.
    I imagine its the usual contract wrangle and he will re-sign for Chelsea.
    Do we really need him? He’s another Bellamy except he’s a nice fella. Bit good, bit old, bit injury prone these days and would only be a bit part player which won’t suit him.


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