On This Day In Spurs History: 28th June

1941 – On this day in 1941, the former Spurs winger Bert Middlemiss passed away. Middlemiss scored 51 goals in 248 league appearances for Tottenham.

Spurs Quote Of The Day: 28th June

“The thing about sport, any sport, is that swearing is very much part of it.” – Jimmy Greaves.

Spurs Goal Of The Day: 28th June

Graham Roberts v Brugge

Spurs In The News: 28th June

The Mirror states that Joe Cole will join a new club within two weeks.

They also think that Stoke are ready to make a bid for David Bentley.

The Daily Mail claim that Julio Baptista will hold talks with Spurs this week.

Best Of The Web: 28th June

Listen to Chris Waddle’s magnificent rant at the BBC.

‘Pies has new photographic proof which shows that Fat Frank’s shot wasn’t over the line.

The Spoiler looks at how the Americans have quickly fallen out of love with football, following their World Cup exit.

Dirty Tackle features Gabriel Heinze’s amusing fight with a camera.




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