Although it won’t be certain until tomorrow evening, it appears that Gareth Bale is likely to miss tomorrow night’s clash with AC Milan at the San Siro.

After Bale’s hat-trick in the group stages against Inter, Spurs would have been keen to see him fit for the first leg, but Harry Redknapp has claimed that we will be without our Welsh wing wizard.

“I’d like to be able to scare Milan a bit and say he’s going to be available but he’s struggling to get over this back injury.

“We couldn’t take a chance. He doesn’t feel he’s ready to play. We’ll leave it to him. He came up yesterday when we were at Sunderland and worked with the fitness coaches. When they started to push him a bit he couldn’t go on and didn’t feel right so they had to go back a few steps and start again.”

Spurs are also likely to be without Luka Modric after his back injury, but Rafael van der Vaart is expected to play after his calf problem.



  1. Well with all these injuries at least we dont have to speculate our line up:
    Corluka Dawson Gallas BAE
    Lennon Sandro Palacios Krancjar
    VDV Crouch

    The only one to watch for them is Ibrahimovic but you would feel Gallas has enough experience to be able to handle him, we need an attacking wing wizardry performance from Lennon

  2. I don’t know why everyone seems to be talking up Bale’s hat trick against Inter in the context of this fixture… yes it was fantastic, but this is AC Milan we are playing now, not Inter Milan. They are a completely different team…. who just happen to come from the same city.

    It’s a shame we are without Bale and Modric tomorrow but we still have enough class to give them a fright. Looking forward to seeing Lennon and van der Vaart step up. Would be great to take things back to the Lane on level terms or better. Nights like these are what we dreamed of when trying to get into the Champions League, it should be a cracker.

    And even if we go a goal down we must believe, stay strong and not collapse… a one goal deficit can be salvaged, a 3-0 really can’t

  3. We go into this game with a blunted strike force badly out of sorts but trust me the slower and less frenetic Champions League will help our strikers to score. I will miss Bale but the one person i have badly missed is Tom Huddlestone his passing and the way he keeps the ball moving and ias missile passes to Lennon where terrific. We will need to keep it tight and hit them on the break and keep it down to only one goal.


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