Rafael van der Vaart is out of tonight’s match after aggravating a calf injury in training. Rafa picked up the injury in our 2-1 win over Bolton but recovered in time to start against Milan last week. However, the problem flared up again in training yesterday.

Harry Redknapp has said: “He missed a couple of games, played in Milan, got through 70 minutes and then yesterday morning didn’t feel good.

“It’s a blow, he is a fantastic player. We need him but we can’t get that run out of him. I’m hoping he will be back for Wolves. He should be ok, it’s not a tear.”

Elsewhere Vedran Corluka and Jonathan Woodgate will both miss the game and they join long term injury victims Ledley King, Tom Huddlestone and Gareth Bale.

Luka Modric is fit after his appendix operation and looks set to start. Blackpool have injury problems of their own, with doubts over Gary Taylor-Fletcher and Brett Ormerod, while Stephen Crainey and Elliot Grandin will both definitely miss out.

In terms of our selection, the biggest questions are what combination to go with up front and who starts out of Kranjcar and Pienaar. The South African would do the best job from a defensive point of view, but it would be hard on Niko to leave him out again after his performance away at Sunderland. Other talking points are the choice between Sandro and Palacios in central midfield and what the hell has happened to Alan Hutton, who seems to not even being considered for selection at the moment.

Here’s our team to face Blackpool. What’s yours?



  1. My team would be:

    Palacios (RB)

    Save Crouch for Wolves.

  2. The exact team I would field, but the problems with that are will Defoe get form soon? Sure he will get it back but at a crucial part of our season we need it now. Id rather play Pav and crouch as pav has done well in the league and europe this season.
    Pienaar looks asthough he is ahead of Niko in the peckng order and when we gave it all that bull, ‘We want him to stay’ well play him them!
    If winning us 6 points wasnt proof enough of the boys talent then i have no idea what he can do….
    Maybe AC Milan home he can play every position and win before harry goes, ‘Oh yeah, that was alright, you can start next time’
    Like Modric not given nearly enough credit for what he does

  3. I would go

    Jenas (over Sandro as I think we should go all out attack against Blackpool due to their leaky defence)
    Krancjar (match winner)
    Defoe ( i think he will bag at least one goal tonight)

  4. Gomes
    Krancjar ~ 1st half with Pienaar coming on at some stage during the 2nd?
    Pavlyuchenko ~ (Give him a run of games against these so-called lesser Teams, IMO he’s stronger than crouch?)

    Save Crouch for Milan.

  5. Blackpool leave soo much pace behind its untrue, we need faster players that utilize our strengths on the counter therefore Pienaar, Defoe and Pav should come in and if Hutton is alive then he should play, we could really smash them as I dont think they will give us any respect which suits us fine.

    There goalkeeper is a liability and they cant defend, Adam is there best player but Modric will outplay him.

    Hutton Gallas Dawson BAE
    Lennon Sandro Modric Pienaar
    Pav and Defoe

    If neither Pav or Defoe score I give up on them.

    And Sandro has to be first teamer now as he is better than Palacios although I feel Redknapp will play Jenas tonight

  6. Gomes

    Thought sandro and pienaar were fantastic in Milan but think we will need to score a few goals tonight and hopefully catch up on our goal difference. Spursguy modric is always credited for what he does, for me he is our best already player and if could add goals to his game he’d be priceless. Redknapp always raves bout him in fact he once said if we sell players like him we might aswell all go home. COYS!!!

  7. Modric14, im not talking about spurs fans underrating him, everyone else does. ‘Your only good player is Bale, without him your crap’
    Thats the kind of stuff you here all the time from everyone, didnt put that part across 🙂
    Modric is our best player in terms of technicality and skill, and hopefully he will stay with us to achieve great things. And yeah i would love for him to score more goals, always class, especially when niko and charlie are there with that lovely play

  8. Think he will give Defoe a chance to score against a leaky defence, his movement will be a great outlet agst this blackpool side, I think Pav will start as crouch has some doubts over the back.

    Lennon, Modric, Palacious and kranjcar will play across the middle with the back four and keeper as suggested by yourselves. Pienaar has a slight knock I think as well.

  9. Completely agree spursguy. He has everything that boy. for opposite fans to talk out their ass like that I’m sue they would love there club and players to be heading in the direction we are and with quality football. Massive three points tonight and can see Defoe finally getting his scoring boots on lmao.

  10. Modric is a great player but he isnt our best player because he doesnt score and rarely assists, hes the best on the ball undoubted, but for a player who threads balls through he should at least get more assists.
    The closest player to Xavi in world football is Modric he just needs more assists to equal; someone of that ilk.
    Our best footballer is Modric, our most dangerous Bale and the man who is the best combined and in my opinion overall is VDVaart.

    But we have a great team all round we could survive without those 3

  11. My Team would be as follows

    Hutton (if fit) gallas dawson Bae
    Lennon Kranjar
    PAV Defoe

    i think modric plays alot better when vdv isn’t there to still his limelight. pav needs a run of games. needs to feel like hes wanted and he wioll score. defoe needs to learn to place a shot. and as everyone else has sed before save crouch for milan
    Come on the SPURS!! 3-1 win tonight!!


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