Spurs travel to Wolves on Sunday in a televised game where they will be looking to pick up all three points after the disappointment at Blackpool.

Wolves and Spurs have enjoyed some great battles over the years and when you think back to previous encounters, many will recall the famous UEFA Cup final of 1972. Nine years later we were matched against the men from Molineux again in the FA Cup semi final of 1981.

After a dodgy decision at Hillsborough, a replay was needed to decide who would go on to face Manchester City.
It’s not clear how much thought went into staging the replay but incredibly, Highbury was chosen as the venue.

As a result, the 52,000+ crowd was dominated by Spurs fans, along with a smattering of Wolves supporters and a few Arsenal officials who were hopefully horrified to see their ground decked out in blue and white. Even the programme that night seemed to be in change-strip of yellow and blue.

Buoyed by the atmosphere Spurs, and in particular Hoddle and Crooks, were on fire. Wolves were hardly in it and Tottenham romped to a 3-0 win. It’s fair to say that those of us who were there had hoped for a second half deluge of goals. Whether Spurs eased up or not isn’t clear but the third goal, when it came, was truly memorable.

Ricky Villa picked up the ball on the right and just sort of ambled inside before unleashing an unstoppable shot past Paul Bradshaw. Ricky had been an ever-present in the side until he picked up an injury in the 3rd round tie against QPR and was just cementing a regular place back in the team.

The goal still stands out in the memory and is worth watching over and over again.



  1. It was Crook’s header just before half time that won it. Ricky’s effort was the icing on the cake though.

  2. The noise factor of the crowd was terrific.Why is it that that the new gooners home,cannot replicate that atmosphere.And could ;nt we do with a Ricky Villa these days.If our present day strikers continue to miss the opportunity’s that have been coming ther way.We will look to miss out on that 4th sport.I hope i am sincerely wrong here.

  3. Was at the game that night…on the North Bank as well which was weird in itself..remember it really well as a bright eyed 20 year old.


  4. Oh for those slower days where skill won the day now Ricky would be facing eight defenders all fully charge with High tempo. This game against Wolves worry s me because of this Tempo that is causing A season of shock Football . You could see the half time Top Up Tempo in all its Glory in Chelsea’s second half against Utd and this is happening every week and its about time we had observers in changing rooms i would bet my house most of these shocks would be different if the teams stayed on the pitch.

  5. I was there and the game still haunts me to this day. We were played off the park but Highbury, neutral venue? I think there were no more than 5,000 of us and it felt like we had turned up at The Lane. It was a long journey home I can tell you. Good luck guys after Sunday on your run in. Hope you repeat your success against AC Milan.

  6. Was a brilliant night! But don’t forget there was only a replay because Kenny Hibbert “Cheated” in the last minute of the first game to get a penalty!!

  7. yeah but we still beat you twice last season.

    and hoddle may be god to you lot but his name is muck in our part of the world.


  8. Didn’t think it was Hibbert’s fault, more like Clive Thomas, Spurs were on his back from the kick off due to previous & he gave everything against us. Wolves fans contributed to the noise at the replay by bouncing up & down for 10mins even though they were 3 – 0 down. happy daze……..


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