Jermain Defoe just can’t keep out of the spotlight this week as his injury scare first made the headlines, followed by Les Ferdinand’s comments about his lack of goals this season.

The player himself has now put his head above the trenches and talked about Spurs’ fight for fourth place. On the subject of the Champions League slot, JD points to last season’s battle as a good omen for his side this time round.

“It’s hotting up and it reminds me of last season. When we were in that fourth spot, the consistency we showed was unbelievable.

 There was a lot of pressure on and we did it in the end. To do it again would be special.”

As this was taken from Hotspur magazine, questions such as ‘why can’t you score?’ don’t seem to have been put the player’s way but he did go on to say: “We know every game is now like a cup final. We’ve just got to approach it and think: ‘We’ve got to win.’ A point is not enough, we’ve got to get three points, and you’ve got to have that winning mentality.”

Wise words indeed but it would help if our strikers could actually find the net and there’s no better place than Molineux on Sunday to start putting that right.



  1. ha ha …the 1 cnt i dont wanna hear about until hes scored 10 goals, and who opens his big mouth?? yes, Defooey the impotent striker!!! Just fuk off to the Hammerhoids to play Chumpionship football next year ya no talent slag banging pretend white man!!! And take the beanpole with ya!!!!

  2. JD – you are just as guilty as some of the “inconsistent” Spurs players. If your comments are a form of a repentence speech then we forgive you. Now show us how you & the team, collectively, can inspire the bitter Spurs fans, commencing Sunday until the season ends.


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