Cameron Lancaster is the latest of our young players to go out on loan and he will be playing at League One side Dagenham and Redbridge for the next month.

Many of our youngsters have made an impact at their host clubs this season. Harry Kane, Tom Carroll and Paul Jose Mpoku have impressed at Orient, Kyle Naughton is performing well at Leicester and of course Kyle Walker has been called up by England after impressive displays at Aston Villa.

Elsewhere Caulker, Townsend, Obika and others have been enjoying first team experience in the lower leagues.
Last season Danny Rose made an impact in the Spurs first team, (albeit a brief one), but apart from Andros Townsend scoring against Charlton in the FA Cup, no-one has pulled off a similar feat this year.

Disregarding Kyle Walker, whose promise has already been acknowledged by Fabio Capello, who has the best chance of making it at Spurs? Who, out of our talented crop of youngsters should be given a run at the Lane next season?



  1. Caulker has impressed wherever he’s gone. Yeovil’s player of the season last year. By all accounts, Bristol City’s player of the year this season. All very promising for a centre back of only 18 / 19 years old.

    The boys at Orient also have the potential to make it. Harry Kane has all the necessary attributes. Big; quite quick; good technique; reads the game well; a happy knack of scoring goals; can take a mean free kick.

    Tom Carroll has impressed Orient fans even more. Small but, like Luka, very comfortable and composed on the ball. Always available. Uses the ball well. Uses space well. Weakness is that he’s very left footed.

    Paul Jose Mpoku is another favourite at Orient. Has skill and pace. Slightly more doubt, though, as to whether he can make it at a club with Spurs’ aspirations.

    I’m very hopeful about Walker. Him and Charlie for our right backs next season, please. I will be furious if, as has been rumoured, Harry is true to form and buys his former player, the incredibly average Glenn Johnson, and thereby further alienates Walker.

    Of the others, Jonathan Obika has no chance of making it at Premier League level. Danny Rose will be a Championship / lower Premier League level player. Andros Townsend has promise but the jury’s still out. Maybe a squad player at Spurs? Ryan Mason has the ability but possibly not the physique. Adam Smith will be a decent player but probably won’t get a chance at Spurs. Kyle Naughton isn’t as good as Charlie or the other Kyle so will probably be sold. John Bostock’s career seems to have gone into reverse. Lastly, Dean Parrett – has never impressed me when I’ve seen him but he’s still highly thought of within the England U19 set up. Jury’s out on him too.


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