Is anyone starting to get frustrated at the way Spurs conduct their transfer activity?

With our backs to the wall, when players have had their heads turned, you have to admire how Daniel Levy has drained millions from other chairman for the likes of Berbatov, Carrick and Keane.

Unfortunately the flip side of this approach has meant that Spurs are stuck with a large group of players that are beyond the age where they can improve, and their wages and valuations are so high we can’t get rid of them.

I don’t think there is a club in the Premiership that needs to clear out as many players as we do right now and it’s time Daniel Levy and Harry decided to cut their losses and accept much lower transfer fees.

If we’ve signed players for a large fee and they haven’t justified it, why on earth would another club pay the same amount to take them off our hands? Wake up Tottenham – it’s not going to happen.

In my opinion we need to transfer list at least seven players and spend the money on top quality additions. Here are my players to leave, and what I value them at:

Gomes 4m, Bassong 5m, Hutton 4m, Jenas 5m, Bentley 6m, Palacios 7m, Defoe 10m.

These prices are reasonable and would represent good business for teams that need to strengthen in these positions, not only could we our players at these prices but the combined total of these fees would be 41m, which even in today’s inflated market would buy you a couple of decent finishers.

Another matter to consider is the development of our youngsters, how do we expect youth players such as the promising Kyle Walker and Kyle Naughton to come through the ranks with the likes of Corluka, Hutton, or Kaboul ahead of them in the queue for right back?

With our rivals likely to get stronger this summer, it really is time to ship out the dead wood and rebuild immediately before we’re left behind.



  1. I agree with you… we should ship out players ASAP …. review our transfer strategy … most importantly keep for as long as possible cosit is a constant change of managers in the past few months that has seen the unuseful players pile up. I’ll like to see harry here for the next 5-10 years. PLayers to go:
    crouch, keane, dos santos, jenas, bentley, hutton,

    players we need:
    GK: friedel – gomes – cudicini
    LB: BAE – Rose
    RB: Walker – Naughton – corluka
    CB: king – gallas – dawson – kaboul – khumalo
    LW: Bale – Kranjcer
    RW: Lennon – townsend
    CM: Modric – Sandro – Huddlestone – (Parker)
    ST: VDV – Defoe – (Damiao – Drogba)

    Let’sbuy the players in bracket roll the season in

    • I agree with everyone you said above apart from Drogba and Parker. Also we should not sell Pav or Crouch as Pav with more playing time could be a 20 goal a season striker as he got 13 goals last season. Crouch is awkard and difficult for defenders to deal with especially in Europe.

      I dont feel we should be buying Chelsea’s deadwood and any deal for Drobga would involve Modric. Instead we should try Eto. We might have to give him a huge sign on fee so that our wage structure is still in place but 37goals and 17 assists last season is pretty sensational as he averages 1.00 goals per match. And for the amount of chances we create we only need him to score 20.
      Damiao to me is a done deal.
      Parker is not necassary as we have enough midfielders but if one of Jenas or Palacios leave I would rather Diarra.
      Also without one of Bale or Lennon we haven’t got the any threat on the wings so buying hazard who can play on either wing, in the hole and in centre midfield would be ideal if we want to get Top 4 again.
      My signings would be Damiao, Eto and Hazard.

  2. how do you want to sell Gomes for £4m, where he is still one of the best around ? Howard too didn’t enjoy his time when he came, as well as Friedel, but both done well recently to be one of the best in EPL.

    i wouldn’t lose Palacios as well for that kind of money, yes had 1 and 1/2 bad season but Alonso did had 2-3 bad seasons before his final good season at Liverpool, same with Riise, players had good and bad seasons, we can’t buy and sell them so often and regret as we did with Defoe, Al-Hamdawi, Kanoute etc..

    so how dare you would sell Bentley for £6m, when he fought well for our push for CL place in the absence for Lennon ? he is useful player and you hardly get decent option with that kind of money these days.

    let’s keep some of them, and sell the least useful players in Bassong, Hutton, Jenas, O’Hara, Giovani, Keane, Niko and one of current strikers, we don’t need that much to add.

    – Walker is coming from Loan deal, he would provide the attacking option, as backup for Corluka and Kaboul.
    – Bentley can replace Niko, who wants away.
    – let’s get Lassana Diarra plus 2 strikers.
    – if there is a chance to get creative player, like Marin or Downing or Johnson, then let’s send Pienner back to Everton or where he wants.
    then we would be fine.

    • You are seriously disillusioned if you think bentley had more of an impact than nico in our top 4 season.

      In my opinion we need to get rid of all the fringe players and bring in some fresh faces, in addition to a world class striker and a goal pocher. klose was one we should have looked at for sure

  3. well spending 15 mill for keane was about the dumbest thing to do. sending him out to show off his ability to drive the price up was always going to be two edged, and when he missed the sitter for w. ham the price fell below where it might have been had potential been going on memory alone; same when bentley threw his toys out of the pram at b’ham. but i agree, levy needs to learn to cut his losses

  4. Your self-indulgence isn’t helping. You don’t know the wages of any of the players you mention, nor the fee any of them would command in the transfer market, nor what the management’s plans might be for the inclusion of any of them in future squads. The cavalier way you mention “a couple of decent finishers” being available for the figure you have concocted of £41 million, without having the courage to specify who these saviours might be, suggests a lack of real thought on the matter.

  5. in fact, why on earth is crouch not on the list. i really dont think that having spent a grand on a season ticket i shd have to watch that useless bugger loping up and own the field failing to control the ball. i just cannot stand to watch him

  6. Let me educate you here no strikes ripped up any trees even Berbatov had 3 ha-tricks in his total and trust me when i say this there is not one of the top four teams who dident up three Tempo when they faced the danger of there season going belly up and if you only beieve Kolo Toure was taking his wife’s supplement its no wonder we cant sell players Parker forget it anyone from Wigan no West Brom No Blackpool no. These are just a few Football is now so corrupt with energey any result can and does happen so why should Levey and Lewis throw money at it when these score Happen Wigan 1-0 Wolves 2 Man Utd 1 Newcastle 4 Arsenal 4 . these scores ae the symptom of energey abuse and the five mexicans allong with another excuse are just moree proof its not betting scams any more but energy scams winning games and drawing. If more fans excepted this then Defoe Kane Bentley and our other players wold not be so vilified by are fans Crouch has no time wih his long legs to move an inch with buzzing bees surrounding him and defences where on top and the best exponnets of this abuse are the Spanish . So don’t hound players out the door who a suffering from defences and some teams who don’t tire new strikres wont fix this problem i no 100 percent. We missed big Tom to beat the cheats with his missle passes to get Lennon and Bale away for energised players .

  7. Strange how all of those mentioned were once good players especially the strikers? personally I’m more concerned over the coaching (or lack of it) and poor tactics recently and why the same degree of attitude toward inferior opposition wasn’t adopted in the same manner as we’d shown in the CL and against the better teams? take Arsenal and Blackpool in back to back home games as examples!

  8. Next season will be key season for a lot of team at top for likes of Chelsea , Manchester and Manchester united they need to buy now because next season will be first season that fair play rules will count so they won’t be able to spend million on transfers as for modric I think it’s a little rich saying he’d like to play for bigger club cheslea no way bigger than spurs regarding fan base ,they may gain more revenue due to slightly bigger stadium and CL Monies but if didn’t have CL league would players opt to go their no wich proven by fact when was last time Chelsea produce world class younger that went on to do anything …… what trying to say we need to keep modric because if Chelsea and Manchester united don’t get players like him before the start they will be deemed weaker

  9. Spurs want three new players one striker i like forlan or samuel Eto one winger hazard or ashley young or n’zobia one playmaker like marko marin and sell player’s like bentley, keane, wodgate, hutton, jenas , crouch, dos santos, ohara but keep player’s like modric , bassong, kaboul , bale ,pav , sandro , dawson, ekotto , walker , palacios. W.palacios is best milfielder and now is a short form but don’t remember 2009 is a best and now i’m sure if spurs sell him don’t go top four . He is exprience and don’t want parker he is old and he’s hospital man injury if we have sandro, palacios , tom and is a enough and forlan or eto , pav and defeo , winger bae , lennon, hazard or a.young, pienar, playmakers ,modric ,marko marin ,v.vaart, and krancjar , defence, dawson, ekotto, walker, galas. Bsoung. Kaboul. Carluka.and khumalo g.k friedel. Gomes . And cudacini we r better then barca and teams in the world viva spurs

  10. I think we need to keep our 3 current strikers (Defoe, Pav, Crouch) and offload Keane. My reasoning is as stated before Pav could become a quality 15-20 goal a season player if given playing time and regular support (means holding onto the likes of Modric). Crouch is going to be invaluable in Europa where defenders will have a hard time dealing with him, as proven in the tougher Champions league. Defoe is similar to Pav with regular support he can score goals (injuries and morale have held him back). get rid of Bassong, Palacios, Jenas, Hutton, Keane. Ideally buy in Damaio, and at a stretch Rossi is potential seeing as Barca look set to bring in sanchez. Start with Pav and a new signing in the prem, should bring home goals. Plus developing youngsters such as Walker, Rose, Naughton, Townsend and Sandro, giving them regular playing time and perhaps a respectable europa finish, top four in the prem and bringing home a domestic cup look reasonable targets.

  11. The cavalier way you mention “a couple of decent finishers” being available for the figure you have concocted of £41 million, without having the courage to specify who these saviours might be, suggests a lack of real thought on the matter.
    – thanks for the possitive feedback John, i havent discussed the strikers as thats a different topic all together and its nice to hear everyones views in response to the dead wood subject. I personally would be happy for all our strikers to leave, but realistically at least Crouch gives us a viable option up front with Rafa, and Harry uses his attributes well in Europe?? (real madrid game not included)

  12. Listening to Harry’s comments re Modric i think he also a little fed up with our transfer policy. When you see Liverpool and Utd moving so quickly in the transfer market you have to wonder what we are up too..

    the players i fully expect to leave:
    Dos Santos

    Now that is pretty much a full team and i expect us to recoup enough cash to go out and buy some world class players. My understanding is that “if” we sign Damiao he will not join up with our squad until Jan.

    Redknapp & Levy need to work together and get the right players in and the deadwood out. I’m tired of all this last minute transfer lark. If we are a club on the up lets start acting like one….


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