A swap deal may well be Spurs’ best chance of getting new blood into the squad for the start of the season, but can there really be any value in exchanging Peter Crouch for Bobby Zamora?

This story started quietly on Saturday morning and gathered predictable momentum as the weekend went on. Zamora of course, played for us in 2003, famously scoring only once against West Ham, after Glenn Hoddle tracked his progress for many years while the player was at Brighton.

On the face of it, Zamora’s career is in the ascendancy while Crouch’s is in decline, but when you look at the two players, there is virtually nothing to choose between them. Both are now 30 years old – in fact there’s only 14 days difference and while Zamora’s scoring record is slightly better, it does include his prolific period at Brighton – something he hasn’t been able to replicate since.

It’s thought that while Spurs are keen on the move, the stumbling block is that Martin Jol isn’t a fan of Crouch. Is the Dutchman’s reluctance our only hope that this doesn’t materialise, or is this a little unfair and could Bobby Zamora do a job that our other strikers seemingly can’t?



  1. no i fucking dont,were going backwards not forwards,the likes of Fernando Llorente, Vucinic,rossi even Adebayor all know where the goal is and thats what spurs need….

  2. As fabricated as the “Defoe 4 Fulham” rumour. Why swap never injured Crouch for usually injured Zamora? With 4 strikers of 28, 29, 30, 31 years old, a new 30 year-old does not help things. Zamora has improved greatly since he left us, but with Defoe, Keane AND Crouch all having left Spurs and rejoined, let’s not make it another. Come to think of it, Sheringham and Klinsmann left and rejoined too – we must stop this habit – because all have been worse 2nd time round.

  3. Although he has improved with age, i think he has found his spiritual home at Fulham and would struggle at Tottenham. As before it would be too big a move.

    I would still like us to get rid of Keane and Crouch and bring it two young hungry strikers and give youth a chance. Harry Kane deserves to be involved this year.

  4. Why was Harry Kane not given a chance to play against Orient or Brighton? Makes no sense to me. Even if they had given him just 30 minutes to show what he can do. The Spurs goals against Brighton came from 2 defenders and a defensive midfielder. Kane played for Orient last season, so surely he would have been confident playing against them as he knows their players. So all he gets is to sit on the bench for 2 pre season friendlies. Chelsea are giving lots of game time to Josh Mceachran (an 18 year old). This is what Spurs should be doing with Harry Kane. Let’s also hope that Dean Parrett gets his chance when he returns from England duties, or would that be wishful thinking?


  6. This has been the worst pre season I can remember in terms of developing the squad. Nothing positive has been happening. There has been no clear out of under performing players. There have been no new players coming in apart from Friedel and a couple of youngsters who may never get a chance to play anyway. What is the point of having talented youngsters if they never get a chance? Are they just there for image, to look like Spurs are trying to develop? Who knows what they are there for? Any other team would be givng them opportunities. Spurs have already lost Taarabt, Prince Boateng, Gio Dos Santos. Who will be next to leave the club?

    • I will not shed a tear for Taarabt, Boateng (even his own brother hates him), and GDS. A chance must be seized by the player himself – and all 3 failed. Warnock said himself that he invested more time on Taarabt than any player he has ever managed. And now he is due to lose the guy anyway. Spurs do not have the time to waste on someone not as good as Vdv, Bale, Lennon or even Kranjcar. They had chances on loan, which Walker, Naughton, Caulker, Townsend, Kane, Livermore have made better stabs at. Walker will now get a chance in the full squad. Naughton & Caulker will now get their change in the Premiership. Kane failed to hold down a place at orient. So why should he waltz past 4 strikers to get a chance at 17 years old?

      • Agree about players needing to take chances but RE: Taarabt. Yes Warnock is about to lose him for a very healthy profit of about 6 million pounds. How much did we make on him?

  7. This is one of the worst rumors I have seen in the last few years linked with a Fulham player. It makes no sense for either club, and I highly doubt Fulham would remotely think about doing this.

    This is a rumor that sells newspapers and nothing else.


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