Tottenham have signed Scott Parker from West Ham for £5m. The England player has been on Tottenham’s radar since the start of the summer and it seemed clear at the end of last week that Spurs were going all out to seal this transfer before the end of the window.

Parker will be 31 in October and having just broken through into the England set up, he was determined to force a transfer back to the Premier League, because in case you’d forgotten, West Ham are a Championship side now.

There was a suggestion that David Bentley may be moving the other way, possibly on loan, but that is yet to be confirmed. The deal could open up the sale of Wilson Palacios to Stoke City.

Tottenham’s Harry Redknapp said: “He’s a good player. I think he’s what we need. He’s a good lad, great attitude.

“Footballer of the year last year and he’ll be a good addition for this team – no doubt about that.

“He’s a good character, a fantastic person, a proper family man, a real good pro. He’ll be great around the place for us.”

So are you pleased with the deal for Parker? £5m seems a fair price for a player of his age and ability.



  1. are you sure its not £6M?
    perhaps the £1M was to withdraw the support for the police investigation into your naughty investigator’s hacking skills.
    what a class act!

  2. A good price for a very good player- he is definitely the type of player we need- a Bale, Lennon, Modric, Huddlestone, Krancjar, Van der Vaart midfield is extremely lightweight. Parker will add steal & TRUE GRIT…which spurs don’t have. Arry has been amazing in adding steal to our bunch of softies.

  3. Why on earth do we need him? He’s a half decent player, but one that has only ever looked good when playing in average teams – he never showed anything at Stamford Bridge when he was at his one decent team. I suppose £5m is not much, but then he is 31.

  4. Good deal for both clubs, although fitness could be a real problem for Parker. Friends that are hammers fans say he is worth the money and more, but he is suspect to an injury.

    Loves going round in circles shielding the ball & slows the play up a lot.


  5. Apparently he has gone for 6 million & waived a signing on fee & bonuses (which saves the hammers around £2 million), so in effect the hammers get £8 million for him which is what they wanted & spurs get a bargain !!!

  6. £5mil for his ability?! Yes he is nearly 31 but Player of the year does not lie. His ability is way above the £5mil mark. Sorry but if Crouch is worth £10mil and Palacios is worth £7mil then Parker should have been no less then £12mil. You scummers got lucky such a shame to see him in that awful shirt. Will still love you for England Scotty but Scum is scum and now you are one!

  7. is so pleasant to have intelligent West Ham supporters commenting on this transfer. 5m is the right price for a 31 year old. both teams have what they want, and Nolan has replaced him for a lot less. now we can get on with chasing top 4 and you can carry on trying to get out of the league below us! COYS

  8. We need Parker because too many of our current team are not up for games against the so called lesser teams. Parker was voted Player of the Year last year and will add bite and experience and leadership to the middle of the team.

  9. Steve it wouldn’t be the first time a spurs cunt pissed himself when confronting West Ham

    If you boys think that you’ve got a diamond then fair enough, but you’re welcome to a 31 year old with no pace, who passes sideways and turns around in circles in the middle of the pitch.

  10. He’s not even top 5 for us this season, his performances have been very poor and he’s lost a yard of pace. We played better without him vs forest and he flattered to
    Deceive last year in a team of shat.

    He is box to box and runs a lot, at his age and with his injuries you’ll get no more than 20 games out of him and as saggy media loving face says the deal in total will cost spurs about £30m with wages etc. He’ll be a flabber face favourite and play even whe shat. We
    Loved him because he gave his all but not a top 4 player which is why he is going to spurs lol

  11. I don’t support either team but redknapps face on tv constantly, his constant excuses, his dick ead son and the fact even spurs fans I know say top, top player mean me and a lot of my mates can’t stand spurs.

    He’s bought Parker as he’s a name to keep the fans quiet. You lot shouldn’t let it work, your manager was going on a out Aguero and Rossi at Xmas lol. Instead you get an old and past it player who doesn’t suit your style (always slows the game down even when on the break). Get flabby face out his constant courting of the media and his column whilst manager (shouldn’t he be managing) in the sun make spu seem a joke. I don’t care
    If some twitchy bloke would have Rooney in his dream team ha, ha, ha what a joke


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