There was one notable absentee from the list of deadwood that needed clearing in this summer’s transfer window but if you believe this morning’s reports, Spurs manager Harry Redknapp blocked a move for Giovanni Dos Santos, thereby preventing a deadwood ‘clean sweep’.

Gio was unavailable for much of Tottenham’s pre-season campaign due to his international responsibilities for Mexico, but despite some dazzling displays for his country, he hasn’t been considered for any of the club’s opening games.

If that is the case, why would Harry look to block any potential move out of the club as the player claims?

“I was very surprised that with two hours left, my coach has changed his mind,” Gio is quoted as saying.

“In three years at Tottenham I have not been taken into account and there has not been confidence in me at all. So I hope that this time I hear the truth when talking to him and we can get down to football.

“Both myself and my agent have been left disappointed, sad and angry at the way Tottenham have acted.”

So is Dos Santos about to get a chance? The player himself seems to think so,

“After such a long time without having any confidence in me I am now going to get my chance, which makes me feel weird,” he added.

“Even so, I mean to take this opportunity out of respect to the Tottenham fans and also because of the professional I am.”

If true, this would be a strange turn of events to say the least, so does Giovanni dos Santos suddenly have a chance of a future at Spurs?



  1. I know from a very good source that (not for the first time) a month or two ago Gio’s parents were flown over and Harry let them stay in his house. Harry really rates Gio but he flies to Barcelona on a regular basis for days at a time, often missing training and goes on a bender with his friends there. Harry rates him so much that he has put up with it all in the hope he will come good, but that is why none of his loan deals have materialised into permanent transfers, no one wants the responsibility of the guy. His parents regularly apologise to Harry for his behaviour and beg for patience.

  2. Gio deffo deserves a chance, he can provide pacey alternatives to Bale and Lennon so am unsure why he hasnt figured. time will tell – he certainly has the ability….

  3. he looks like a quality operator to me, blatantly underused and underated, don’t care what people say.. he has a better touch and knows the game better than defoe and or crouch pav. Get him a run out !

  4. “Harry really rates Gio”

    I’d like to believe that but if true why have his few appearances either been as a late sub or, on the odd occasion he’s started, he’s been subbed early?

  5. “Harry really rates Gio”

    Actions speak louder than words. I prefer to believe its a repeat of the Bale situation – an unused player who we are close to throwing away until a chance injury and Harry is forced to play. And I hope/reckon that he could also become as good, if you just see some of his play for Mexico.

  6. I have only seen him play once about a year ago in the Carling Cup fiasco against Arsenal. Sandro was the only bright spot that night in sharp contrast to the selfish, wayward and ineffectual play by Bentley and Gio. The new Thierry Henri? Someone was having a tin Barce!

  7. Did you foget we sold Peter Crouch when you wrote this article? If we let Dos Santos go, how do you think we would cope with just three strikers? What if one got injured, we’d be playing two by deafult – especially with Van der vaart out. That’s no way for a club aiming for the top 4 to proceed. Crouch was sold for financial reasons – £10m for a 30 year old is not bad. We need cover in the striker department as a result. What’s hard to understand about blocking Dos Santos’ move?

  8. Sounds to me as though Harry thought that the Cahill transfer would go through, with Defoe included in the deal, so needed a small striker to cover.

  9. 1 goal doesn’t constitute dazzling displays. What about his displays in Copa America which were awful?

    He has totally the wrong attitude, he has to change that and prove his deserves a chance by the way he trains then perform when he gets a Europa League game otherwise he should be forgotten about and left to go boozing again.

  10. We gave Kane a chance in the Europa, he wasn’t that great. I’m not saying write him off but maybe play Gio instead next time? He’s gotta be better than Pav’s last display against Hearts…

  11. Whoever you are “ME”
    you did not watch Copa America. Gio played some fantastic
    stuff and was singled out for praise by the team manager

  12. @ Me Copa America Gio was playing with Mexico reserve,concacaf didn’t allow Mexico to take it’s full squad as Mexico are invited guest and wasnt an official concacaf tournament they tied our hand’s..That’s like VDS playing with Tottenham reserve’s against Man U starting 11 do you think he would shine?!

    Hope Harry is as good as word and actually play’s him this season..

  13. give him a chance who cares if he goes out boozing. One of the best players to grace the club was a alco gazza and he still played good. As long as his performances are top notch when he gets his chance it shouldnt matter what he does in his spare time. On another note i was really impressed with defoes hunger and desire when he came on against city he showed some fight and looks ready to go on a goal scoring rampage

  14. well dos santos has been named in the 25 man squad, so ‘arry and everyone else will be able to see if he has matured. wouldn’t it be ironic if the screwed-up cum impenetrable transfer deadline strategy catapults gio into the top drawer and comes to the rescue of levy & redknapp?! don’t hold your breath though.

  15. I used to be one of the “why doesn’t Redknapp play Dos Santos” crowd until I watched him against Young Boys in Bern last season; after which I wanted to beat him senseless with a sock full of oranges. He’s one of the most selfish and positionally cretinous players I’ve seen. It was like watching an eight-year-old kid. He wasn’t the only player to have a bad game that evening, but I’ve never asked why Redknapp doesn’t play him since.


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