Tottenham’s poor start to the season is almost becoming a distant memory and yesterday’s emphatic win over Liverpool underlined the potential that this side has. Suddenly, two new arrivals have transformed the team and with most of the deadwood out of the club, the win could herald some very promising times.

Spurs manager Harry Redknapp hailed the win as ‘fantastic’: “It was a fantastic performance from start to finish. We started the game so brightly and created three or four great chances before we scored with a great finish from Luka.

“The only thing that bothered me is that we weren’t two or three up at that time because I think we were that good in that first 25-30 minutes it would have been difficult for anyone to live with us.

“We ended up scoring some good goals and it was a complete all-round performance.”

It’s still early days in the league, but the win takes Spurs to 11th with six points and we have played a game less than everyone bar Everton. After a Carling Cup trip to Stoke in the week, Spurs take on Wigan in our next Premier League match on Saturday.



  1. The performance against Liverpool was sublime and the only way our opponents could stop Spurs was by resorting to some cynical fouls. The worse being that by Skrtel on Bale. Dalglesh can surely have no reasonable gripe against the referee this week.

    Modric and Paker bossed the midfield and the service to Defoe and Adebayor was exceptional. Defoe missed a sitter just after half time and Adebayor did the same soon after.

    King was in imperious form and the enforced absence of Dawson through injury has done the club a favour, as he was leaking goals with alarming frequency.

    The ‘keep ball’ session in the second half was hugely entertaining and could have only been improved by a goal.

    What the media did not comment on to my surprise, was Carragher apparently defying the referee and telling Skrtel to stay on the pitch after he had been sent off. Did any one else notice this?

    Bring on Arsenal!



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