Spurs look set to lose one Brazilian from their squad in January but the question is, how many if any will be coming the other way.

Harry Redknapp had already stated that Heurelho Gomes would be looking for a new club ahead of the new season in Brazil – comments that he has underlined today.

“I would think he won’t be happy,” said Redknapp. “He wants to play at the World Cup with Brazil, so it’s going to be a problem. We’ll wait until the next window and see where that takes us.”

In the meantime, the Leandro Damiao rumours persist as do the stories linking Spurs with Sao Paulo midfielder Lucas.

Lucas Rodrigues Moura da Silva is a 19 year old attacking midfielder who, like Damiao has burst onto the scene in the last year by cementing his place in Sao Paulo’s first team and winning seven international caps into the bargain. It’s believed that Spurs, Liverpool and Roma will all be chasing his signature this winter.

Lucas, like Damiao, looks to be an amazing prospect but will Spurs really be looking to invest fees of around £20m when the window opens again in January?



  1. Leandro is not what Spurs need and not going to happen anyway.
    Not what we need because he will take time to settle and so any real impact this season is out.
    Not going to happen because we have to sell Pav first and are reportedly demanding 14m for him.
    Best get used to the idea of Pav playing if Adebayor is injured.

    • Damiao is a Brazil superstar in the making, if we don’t move in for him NOW his transfer fee will rocket in a few years when he becomes a “Selecao” regular, thereby putting him out of our financial reach. Did you actually see him play against Scotland ? Does it look like he’d need “time to settle” ? Thank God you’re not our strategic advisor…

    • Sorry mate sometimes a realistic perspective can go too far and land Arse over tit in the whining bin. Please don’t bring that Shiz here , Damaio looks a beaute need him bad

  2. Leandro is not what we need?? Are you serious. The guy is a class class striker. We need him more than anything and I’d like to see your comments in 12months if we dont get him. Because you will be gutted.

  3. Would be amazing if we got both and as for lenardo is not what we need open your eyes if we get him in jan he can settle in just fine for the next season and if ade gets injured we can play him as would be a better choice than pav even when not settled in properly. please make these two signings happen!!!

  4. Lucas & Leandro are excellent players for the future. They should be brought in january 2012, so they will start to grow with the squad we have. Spurs should start scouting now for a new central defender who must be young and intelligent to lead the back line like KING does. All this deals must be done in January. Come end of the season, all we do is release players who we feel has not made the first team. When the 2012 season kicks off we will be ready like Man Utd. When the season is the worst time to scout for players because prices are very high.

  5. Damiao will be world class in a couple of years and we should do everything in our power to gsign him, he has it all and would push any strike force for a place. even if he doesnt settle strait away he must be signed. IMO even if we pay 15-20m we would receive double that amount in 5 yrs when Barca/Real come calling. drop the Lucas interest – too much money for a position that isnt desperate, better options out there such as adam johnson, wright phillips, Christian Eriksen at Ajax etc. COYS

  6. Damiao is making waves for Brazil so it is too late. It won’t happen. Our only chance is to sign the kids before they make it – like Sandro. Damiao now will cost more, and most importantly will be linked to perennial Champions League teams unlike ourselves. That ship has sailed…unless Sandro “bigs us up” to him…

    • We do have a deal with internacional so we get to talk to any player from them we want first. Tbh i think we have missed the boat already. We should of offered at least 3mil more than the 10.5 that we offered. They will want 20 odd mil now.


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