With Ledley King’s latest injury, it seems obvious to most Spurs fans that a central defender is a priority when the transfer window opens again in January. However, that view is at odds with Harry Redknapp’s latest comments after the draw at Newcastle.

Asked if he would go back in for Gary Cahill, Harry said: “I’m not looking to strengthen in defence, really. We are strong in defence. We have Dawson, King, Gallas, Kaboul and Bassong.

“I went for Cahill because at the time I couldn’t see Ledley being fit and because William Gallas had a calf strain.”

The suggestion is fine if everyone is fit and happy but three of those five are currently injured, following a similar scenario last season, while Bassong had this to say about his future,

“I know they have to look after themselves, but I have to look after myself and my career. If I don’t play, I want to move, be that QPR or somewhere else. I now just want to play.”

So is Harry right in his assessment? Maybe it’s just bluff from the manager, but it seems that a new centre half is just as much a priority as a new striker this winter.



  1. He made those comments before the game, but either way I suspect it’s bluff and that he’ll be back in for Cahill in January. Bassong scares me when he comes on, not good enough and always looks likely to make a mistake.

  2. Too many people are going in for Cahill…would love to get Hummels, but that is wishful thinking. Not really sure who to get realistically…don’t know why Shawcross isn’t being thrown about as an idea.

  3. Shawcross is a bit of meat head imo, can defend but seems a bit too physical at times, am not just refering to the arsenal tackle few yrs back.
    we must go for Cahill, its bull$hit that we dont need defenders as Bassong isnt good enough and Dawson cant be considered a no1. Gallas and King are class but injury prone. If cant get Cahil, we should go for Jagielka, as Arsenal have found out you should buy a CB with prem experience

  4. While we’re at it…Shawcross and Begovic double deal?

    Otherwise HUMMELS…just need a big offer as he’s under contract until 2014…that and reportedly Barca are after him now…

  5. Thought Bassong did ok on Sunday, i dont rate him but you know what, i dont know why i dont rate him. I cant remember him really cocking up and always seems to do ok when he comes on. Maybe he deserves a bit more credit than we give him !!!!!

  6. We do need a defender. Cahill will be too expensive and Hummels is one of the most sort after young defenders in the world. Subotic on the other hand is very under-rated because of playing alongside Hummels. Sakho from PSG, class. Jagielka is quality and in my eyes would be an ideal signing because of PL experience. Albiol from Madrid ??? Think he could be got at a good price and if anyone could walk in to a PL defence from abroad I think its him.

  7. i think we need to start looking at this situation a bit more long term. At the moment we are ok…..but King, Gallas do not have that long, Daws is ok, Kaboul has the potential, as does Caulker and Bassong is not the one. There is not a stand out …..new Ledley….so I think that we should invest in the best one we can find, however I doubt that this will be Harry’s problem so we maybe should wait until the summer and let the new guy get who he wants.

  8. This is in line w/ Arry’s………

    Bassong is Spurs quality
    What’s wrong w/ playing the best box to box MF in the EPL at wing.
    Bale is just as strong at RM
    Livermore has looked just fine in the 3 games I gave him a run ..United, City and NCU
    I enjoyed Roman P’s 5 minute jog vs NCU
    What’s wrong w/ me letting Gio rot on the bench while I play my entire team out of position ?


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