Do we take Harry for granted?

Do we take Harry for granted?


Mention of Harry Redknapp’s managerial qualities is always guaranteed to spark some serious debate but is there more to his armoury than just an arm round the shoulder?

Emmanuel Adebayor seems to think so and he has gone on record this week in suggesting that the Spurs boss is equally as good as his Real Madrid coach, Jose Mourinho.

“Harry Redknapp is a top manager. I would put him closer to Mourinho because of the way he treats players. He gives you full confidence. He too knows how to talk to players and that makes him special as well,” Ade said.

Asked if Harry could take Spurs back to the Champions League, the player added,

“For sure, yes. He has it all. If he has a great season he can take us to where we want to be. There is no doubting his ability.”

Admittedly Adebayor was speaking in the Hotspur so he was never going to compare Redknapp to say, Dave Bassett but the assessment is worth taking notice of.

While it’s early days for Messrs Jordan and Bond, there was some criticism of their tactics and their handling of the substitutions in Sunday’s game against Fulham and if Harry isn’t back in the dugout for the Villa game, the next few weeks could be a true test as to just how much he is missed.


  1. we dont take HR for granted, when we’ve played crap we’ve made it clear, when we’re winning like we are at the moment we are happy. its not rocket science – but we now have high standards and expect them to be met. HR has done an amazing job with Levy in lifting us back where we belong but lets be clear, when you have a midfield and attack like we do each week you expect to win games. we are a couple of players away from being as strong as we need to be swap bassong for another decent CB such as jags,cahil, or samba and swap Pav for Damiao or who ever as well. we love HR but when we went through that poor spell of 3 wins in 15 games or whatever it was we were seriously pissed off, especially as HR made no attempt to rotate the squad to gain results and performances

  2. I dont, but many spurs fans do not..

    I was so happy to “get my spurs back” after the Ramos era. He may not be a genius, but he knows what is needed to make the difference between a decent team and a winning team. We have got better every year since his arrival.

    He talks a lot yes, but at least he knows what he’s talking about and has the experience to back it up. I just totally lost faith in spurs under Ramos and lost the love I had for the club, to the point where even after match press conferences were painful.

    I hope to god he stays for a while. I wouldnt like spurs to have to pick another manager any time soon. Harry is entitled to want to become England manager and tbh is probably the most qualified, I just home he can give us another 3 years first.


  4. I reckon Harry would of put Sandro on earlier for VDV and pushed modric forward a bit…. We now need quality over quantity i think we are three players short of being a regular top 4 team CB Cahill/Samba RM Hoillet/Marin CF Llorente/Huntelaar…….. Bassong Pienaar Gio Pav can all go in January to make space

  5. We do take HR for granted IMO. Not all of us, but he is a far better manager than people sometimes give him credit for. This wheelerdealer type tag, is really unfair and portrays a dodgy character with little tactical nouse.
    Harry has made this team the best team we have had in my opinion for 20 years (if not more).


    • Mups! You arse cramps couldn’t manage five or six imigrant employees let alone a squad of premaddonna millionaires.

      Drives me nuts you jumped up sacks of twunt suckers full of opinions. Yes I would have put sandro on earlier, I would have made him my first sub and Defoe later but we aren’t privvy to what has been going on in training. Was sandro fit enough, was he match aware. Not really.

      We’re all coach managers but if you really think you can do it better than Harry you are an arse of the highest order.

      Love you, my fellow fans, but honestly.. when it comes to knocking harry kindly do one.

  7. It isn’t hard you say…. Then why couldn’t Ramos do it, when he seems to know football and had experience?

    The first manager in my adult life that really has made us a force. Jol did well, with a weaker team, in possibly a stronger league. But we still had that weakness where we could fall apart no matter how many goals ahead we were.

    This is history now, with the team finally having some real back bone and players willing to put in a shift for the cause. This is no coincidence that it’s under Harry.

    • I agree in principle with what you are saying but your comment on Ramos is unfair on the guy. Big Sam, Curbishley, Pardew, good managers – but it doesn’t always work, even for good managers. Too many variables. Language, climate, personel, fans, club styles, etc. But I’m not sure if Harry has ever really failed. At any club.

      • Well, apart from Southampton, but that was then seen as a success as soon as he returned to Pompy (my Dad’s a Pompy man).

        I have no issue with Ramos really, just it wasn’t right for us and it didn’t work. He had done well at Seville so I have no doubt he knows what he is doing in terms of football. Just too many things to settle in and the language thing was a big errror. The manager needs to be able to speak the language of the majority of the squad.

        Poyet’s doing alright in the lower leagues these days, maybe he’s worth a future punt?

  8. I feel we do take Harry for granted, we all loved Martin Jol for what he achieved at the club (and rightly so) however, there is still not the same affection for HR despite the fact that he has been our most successful manager in many many years. Why don’t we sing his name as frequently as we sang big Martin Jol’s name. I for one love arry’s honesty and straight talking, sure he has his faults, as do all managers but as a club we are playing the best football we have since I can remember (I was born in 86 so can’t recollect the great teams of the 60’s 70’s and 80’s!). As a fan base we can be nothing but proud of the man and what he has built, a fantastic football club who are once again back where we belong in the same breath as the so called ‘top four’.
    I was at the Bernabeau last year and at that point I remembered teams we have seen over the past years….Doherty, Si Davies, Johnny Jackson, Keller, Tainio, Michael Brown….then I looked on the pitch at the team we now have in comparison, VDV, Luka, Bale, Defoe, Lennon etc etc….The team are immense, Harry built this team with Levy and I think it is about time we show the man some serious vocal appreciation! Let’s make him love the supporters as much as he loves the club and make leaving for the England job an even harder decision, we as fans can keep him at the club, I am 100% confident that we will get top 4 again this year!! Champs league football and the love of the fans will be enough to keep ‘arry appy! COYS

  9. Yes he is taken for granted. The brutal truth is that in 20 years time this may be looked upon as one of the best Spurs teams in a generation, and it has only played under Redknapp, so it is hard to claim his success has been some kind of coincidence.

    Spurs 1951 – my guess is that Redknapp makes pretty much the same number of substitutions as other managers of top clubs. Elsewhere you get the Warnocks of this world who will happily throw on 3 subs at halftime, but none of the top clubs do it. Jol NEVER made substutions, thats a fact. Ramos however made loads of changes – almost always taking off defenders and putting on forwards. Fat lot of good that did most of the time.

    DJ, you seem to suggest that ‘swapping’ the likes of Bassong for a top centre half is feasible. I think you mean giving away Bassong and paying a shed load of money for a replacement. That isnt quite a swap mny friend.. Likewise you Pav for a decent forward ‘swap’.

    will – upgrade on Corluka is already on our books. Kyle Naughton, best RB in the championship for the 2 years running, now one of Norwich’s best players. No need to sign anyone else in that position

  10. Harry has been involved with English football in one capacity or another for around forty five years. We may not always agree with what he says, the tatics he uses, or the substitutions he makes, the fact is though he knows more about the game than the combined total of what all of us think we know. That is why he is a manager at a top English club and the rest of us do our daily jobs and then come home and sit at the computer and sort out all the teams problems and woes at the keyboard. Let’s be honest, we see what is laid before us on a match day and make our comments from that, we have no real idea of what is going on behind the scenes, just rumour, we have no knowledge who may be a disruptive force or a lazy trainer or a continious moaner or whatever. I don’t always agree with Harry but I’d like to think I don’t take him for granted either. I have been following Spurs since 1959 and personally I think Harry is making a pretty decent fist of it.

  11. I can’t speak for others but I certainly don’t take him for granted. I give him Messiah status. Wasn’t that impressed when we got him, although I was confident we wouldn’t get relegated with him and thought he could get us to 5th/6th easy enough over a year or two, but wasn’t sure what the gap between us and those above would be and whether he could take us any further. The way he’s muscled us in there against the big boys, his signings are extremely good, his pulling power quite remarkable, the football we play… I can’t love the guy any harder. Love his chit-chat. You see, I AM old enough to remember the 80’s, and I want that back. And were getting it back. Proud of Spurs. Mad about Redknapp. Enjoy the moment.

  12. ‘DJ, you seem to suggest that ‘swapping’ the likes of Bassong for a top centre half is feasible. I think you mean giving away Bassong and paying a shed load of money for a replacement.’

    agreed – when i said swap i was refering to assigned squad players for the EPL. i know we could never swap our deadwood for decent replacements without paying top dollar as well. would think Bassong would fetch about £5m and Pav £8m so this would make up about 50% of the cost of their ‘decent’ replacements


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