Over the weekend, Kevin Bond hinted at a possible permanent move for Emmanuel Adebayor at the end of his current season long loan move. Ade proved an instant hit at Spurs and although he hasn’t scored in the league since his double strike against Liverpool, many Tottenham fans are hoping that the club will somehow find a way to afford his transfer fee and considerable wages.

“He trains really well and never says a word. We hope that continues at least until the end of the season,” Bond said.

“If he continues to keep playing like he has done for us … players of that calibre are very difficult to find.

“He’s been a big plus for us.”

Reports today however have suggested otherwise and while a cut price fee of £10m was mooted last month, the stories claim that is more likely to be £17m coupled to wages of around £170,000 a week.

So does that mean that the club will look to Lukas Podolski as an alternative? That’s the claim that has appeared in Metro today with the suggestion that a £15m fee could be enough to prise the German international away from FC Koln.

At 26, Podolski is a year younger than Adebayor and his scoring record is comparable, even though he is untested in the premiership.

If Spurs have admitted defeat in their battle to bring Ade to White Hart Lane on a permanent basis, is Lukas Podolski a viable alternative?



  1. For future reference boys, the Metro is a FREE newspaper and nothing within its pages is even worth READING!!! Let alone re-gurgitating. You’re making yourselves look bad

    You wouldnt document tea leaf readings as news would you??

    Come to think of it tea leafs are a far more reliable source of info than the Metro!! C.O.Y.S!!

  2. Anything football related from both the metro or the daily fail must be treated with the utmost contempt it deserves. Nothing printed in those rags are truthful, all made up bull s**t. Both have either been trying to sell off Spurs best players and have linked the club with every Tom, Dich and Harry worldwide as make believe replacements, not a hint of truth in any of their articles.


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