At the weekend, manager Harry Redknapp played down suggestions that Spurs were worth an outside bet to win the Premier League. Speaking on Absolute Radio the manager said, when asked if Premiership betting odds of 100/1 were an attractive prospect,

“No, they’re not going to give you them odds if they really think that you’ve got a chance of taking their money.  So it would be difficult, but, as I’ve said 10 times just now, it’s not impossible.  It’s unlikely, but it’s not impossible.”

Meanwhile, defender William Gallas has broken cover today by insisting that this Spurs side is capable of lifting the title.

“I have won trophies and I know what it feels like to win and it is quite possible to do something here too,” Gallas said.

“Against West Brom and Fulham we have not played as well. It was the same when I was at Chelsea when sometimes we did not deserve to win a game, but with luck we won 1-0 or maybe 2-1, and it is a little bit like that with Tottenham.”

Gallas added, “You play for success, you play to lift yourselves, so now we have to believe in ourselves, work hard to try and catch City. It is very wonderful to see how we play and we can win every game.”

A double title winner with Chelsea, William Gallas knows what’s required to win the league and while Harry’s assessment of ‘unlikely but not impossible’ may be more fitting, Gallas’ suggestion that this squad can pull in trophies is a worthy of consideration.



  1. bow bow bow.!!!! yes man spurs is de team ya knaw….. we is on the up dog….. and we aint coming down brrrrrrrrrrrrrraaapp breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep brapp

  2. I don’t see anybody beating City to the title. Their squad is just too good and too deep. Hopefully the new fair play rules will cut them down to size.

    It’d be good to see Spurs play United though. They’re weak in central midfield at the moment and that’s our best area. We’d certainly give them a better run for their money than we did at the start of the season. It’d be a tight game but if we could beat them it’d be indicative of the kind of form we’d need to get second.

    IMO first is a bad bet at 100/1, second would be incredible, third is a realistic – if tricky – target and fourth is a must-do.



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