Harry Redknapp told us over the weekend not to expect any transfer activity at the Lane this winter but that was never going to stop the rumour mills from continuing to turn.

However, it may be as a result of the exit rumours concerning Vedran Corluka that Portuguese right back Joao Pereira has now been linked with a January move to the club. Pereira is a 27 year old defender with 11 caps to his name and has something of a poor disciplinary record.

Other than using him as an option to avoid qualifying via the fair play league it doesn’t seem that this story has much going for it. Kyle Walker will surely continue at right back and as far as cover is concerned, Corluka looks a better option.

It’s suggested that Pereira could also slot in on the right wing but once again, is he really better than our current options in that area?

£8m is the figure quoted but at any price, it looks like a non-starter.



  1. What embargo, there is no transfer embargo? Try using a dictionary for words you don’t understand.

    noun (plural embargoes)
    1. a official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country: an embargo on grain sales, an arms embargo, an official ban on any activity, i.e. there is a complete embargo on taking photographs in court

    2 historical an order of a state forbidding foreign ships to enter, or any ships to leave, its ports:
    an embargo laid by our Emperor upon all vessels whatsoever

    verb (embargoes, embargoing, embargoed)
    [with object]
    1 impose an official ban on (trade or a country or commodity):
    all of these countries have been embargoed by the US
    officially ban the publication of:
    documents of national security importance are routinely embargoed
    2 archaic seize (a ship or goods) for state service:
    they must embargo means of transport

  2. MATTHEW HARRIS did you actually study English at GCSE, f**k me mate, that’s so poor, even a 7-year would know the word “embargo” has nothing to do with this article. I bet you’re a “jobbing” journo earning peanuts, right ? I bet you couldn’t even get a job with The Sun could you ?…poor.


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